User:ThunderGod Cid/Guildmage

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You know, if you’ve got the aptitude, you should join the Mage’s College in Winterhold.

Wizards are known for coming from places of learning and study, but the game doesn't generally treat them as such. Now there can actually be a benefit for having a vast network of other mages and their companions at your disposal.

Becoming a Guildmage[edit]

Entry Requirements
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 7 ranks, Knowledge (history) 7 ranks, Spellcraft 7 ranks.
Spellcasting: Must be able to cast 3rd level arcane spells.
Special: Must identify with an order of your choice (see Initiation).

Table: The Guildmage

Hit Die: d4

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spellcasting
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Initiation, Proper Facilities +1 level of existing class
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Cooperative Spellcasting +1 level of existing class
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Magical Library, Safehouse +1 level of existing class
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Guild Insurance Contract +1 level of existing class
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Guildmaster/Regent +1 level of existing class

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level.
Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Forgery (Int), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis) Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the guildmage.

Weapon & Armor Proficiency: A guildmage gains no additional proficiencies with any weapons or armor.

Spellcasting: With every new class level, the guildmage gains new spells known, spells per day, and additional spellcasting advancement in his highest level arcane casting class.

Initiation: At first level, the guildmage chooses an order that he wishes to be a part of (the name and nature of which can be chosen by the player in collaboration with the DM). His status as a member of the guild grants him the all future benefits of this class, as well as an ability specific to members of that organization. The group to which he belongs can be selected from but are not limited to the list below (see Wizarding Organizations); DM’s should be encouraged to edit and expand this list with any other appropriate organizations based on their particular campaign setting.

Proper Facilities: A guildmage never is always treated as having access to a magical library for the purposes of researching spells. He no longer has to pay a gold fee to create a new spell (if you even bother with that sort of thing in the first place).

Cooperative Spellcasting: A wizard may transfer maintaining concentration for any spell that requires it to any allied creature that is also capable of casting arcane spells within Close Range (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels). This includes the guildmage’s familiar, if they possess one.

Magical Library: The guildmage’s organization keeps a vast reserve of combat-ready spell scrolls, which he may access as his leisure. Whenever he rests to regain his spells, a guildmage of 2nd level and higher may also gain possession of a number of spell scrolls with a total combined spell level equal to the guildmage’s caster level multiplied by his guildmage level. No individual scroll can be of a level higher than the maximum spell level the guildmage can cast.

For example, a 5th level wizard/2nd level guild mage would have a total caster level of 7, so he would be able to carry 14 spell levels worth of scrolls, each of which would have to be 4th level or lower.

Safehouse (Sp): A 3rd level guildmage has been entrusted with access to his order’s extra-dimensional headquarters, which exists in its own separate demi-plane and is functionally identical to a mage’s magnificent mansion.

Guild Insurance Contract (Ex): The organization of a 4th level guildmage stores a clone of him in the event of his death, kept in stasis until needed. If the guildmage suffers an untimely demise and is not able to be resuscitated by other means, the order will release the now-active clone and start the process of creating another.

Guildmaster/Regent (Ex): Once you reach 5th level, your position within the organization has been cemented such that you are allowed a certain level of autonomy, or perhaps you don’t need them anymore. At this point, you can choose to start your own order or a new branch the one to which you have already pledged your allegiance. Doing so grants you a Command Rating equal to your caster level divided by five (round up if necessary), provided that all of your followers are arcane casters.

Wizarding Organizations[edit]

Red Wizards of Thay[edit]

I am Edwin Odesseiron. You simians may merely refer to me as ‘sir’ if you prefer a less syllable-intensive workout.

The diabolical Red Wizards are distinguished by their nefarious practices and their (obviously) red robes. Amoral and ruthless, they will stop at nothing to gain power and seek like-minded members who will have little compunction about sacrificing others in order to fulfil their ambitions.

Tattoos (Su): Arcane runes inscribed on the red wizard’s flesh grant him permanent protections, which take the form of one or more spell effects with a combined spell level equal to the Red Wizard’s highest spell level minus three. The Red Wizard may suppress and/or renew these effects as a free action in the event that they are dispelled. The Red Wizard may also opt to change these spell effects when he rests to re-learn spells.


There are those who think and those who dream.

As their less colloquial name would suggest, the Witches of Rashemen are a female-only sect of human casters that dominate the political scene of their home country; a wychlaran’s word is law, and the punishment for disobedience is death.

Dejamma: A traveling wychlaran is provided a bodyguard to ensure their safety; berserkers from all over Rashemen compete for the honor of being chosen to undertake this undoubtedly perilous task. You gain a male human barbarian as a cohort who has a class level equal to your caster level minus two. The berserker serves faithfully until death and cannot be forced to harm you by mental compulsions or enchantments. Any beneficial spell that affects you can also automatically affect this cohort, should you choose. This effect sharing only works one way and cannot be used to gain beneficial effects from your cohort.