User:The Dire Reverend/The Iron Man (Pathfinder Base Class)/Armor Modifications
- 1 Iron Man Armor Modifications
- 2 Least
- 2.1 Elemental repulsors
- 2.2 Compacted Form
- 2.3 Smashing Blows
- 2.4 Elemental Resistance
- 2.5 Perception Matrix
- 2.6 Extreme Environments
- 2.7 Force Shield
- 2.8 Tractor Beam
- 2.9 Knuckle Bombs
- 2.10 Targeting Matrix
- 2.11 Jump Jets
- 2.12 Recharge Matrix
- 2.13 Defensive Matrix
- 2.14 Light Ballistic Housings
- 2.15 Armor Fortification
- 2.16 Flame Throwers
- 3 Lesser
- 4 Greater
Iron Man Armor Modifications[edit]
Iron Men choose the armor mods they learn as they gain levels, much like warlocks choose which invocations to learn. However, an Iron Man's repertoire is even more limited than that of a sorcerer, and his mods are supernatural abilities, not spells.
In addition to its grade (least, lesser, or greater), every modification has a spell level equivalent, which is used in the calculation of save DC’s and for other purposes. A least modification has a level equivalent of a 2nd level spell; a lesser 4th, greater 6th. The level equivalent for each modification is given in its description below. In the case where a modification may replicate a spell, use the Iron Man's initiator level in place of a caster level.
Elemental repulsors[edit]
The Iron Man has adapted his repulsor technology to a single elemental energy affinity, changing the damage type to inflict cold, electric, fire, or sonic damage. Once this has been installed, the repulsors may do either bludgeoning or energy damage by toggling between types as a swift action.
Compacted Form[edit]
By spending one battery point from the armor's battery pool, the armor is able to contract or expand out to be secured over its wearer as a full round action, and does not require any additional attendants or helpers to get him into it, as it is automated. When in its compact state, it often resembles either a metallic turtle-shell like backpack or a heavy metal briefcase weighing the same as the base suit of armor. (Note: This modification may only be used on a breastplate-based suit of armor and often are built of mithral.)
Smashing Blows[edit]
By equiping his armor with heavy, reinforced gauntlets and boots meant for delivering punishing blows, the Iron Man with this modification is a capable combatant without a weapon or a repulsor blast. The character gains a powerful unarmed strike that inflicts 1d6 points of damage plus Strength modifier, and counts as a light weapon for the purposes of feats and special abilities. These gauntlets and boots, being integrated into the armor, gain the armor's enhancement bonus to AC as an enhancement bonus to hit and damage.
Elemental Resistance[edit]
(Prerequisites: Force Shield) By reinforcing his armor to protect him from various forms of energy damage, the Iron Man may calibrate his force shield to protect him from the destructive energies of spells, breath weapons and the occasional campfire accident. When activated , the character must spend one battery point and the force shield now becomes attuned to a designated energy type (fire, cold, acid, or electrical damage types), gaining resistance equal to his initiator level (minimum of 1) against damage from that type as an immediate action and lasting for one round per two initiator levels.
Perception Matrix[edit]
With this enhancement, the Iron Man has crafted his helmet in such a way as to provide enhancement to his senses with artificial means and tools. The character gains a bonus on Perception checks equal to half of his initiator level (minimum of 1).
Extreme Environments[edit]
The armor has been modified to thrive in an extreme natural environment of the Iron Man's choosing, and once selected the modification cannot be changed. Environments include extreme cold, extreme heat, undersea, or even vacuum. If taken as a greater armor modification, this can even insulate the character against excessively hostile environments found in the Outer Planes, such as the Negative Energy plane or layers of the Abyss. Count it as the character having the endure elements spell in effect and resistance of 20 to damage of a type that is relevant to the environment if applicable (such as cold in tundra armor, but vacuum having no real type would get cold due to the extreme cold of space).
Force Shield[edit]
By spending a point of battery power as a swift action, the Iron Man generates a passive field of force-based energy to protect himself from harm. This shield can even protect him from touch attacks made by incorporeal creatures. The character gains a shield bonus to AC equal to 1 + 1 per four initiator levels the character possesses, and this shield stays passively in place for one hour.
Tractor Beam[edit]
By adjusting his repulsors to have magnetic components, the character may manipulate objects made of at least 50% or more metallic components or targets wearing metal medium or heavier armor as if he was using the spell telekinesis, using his initiator level as his caster level to determine the effect. This ability costs one battery power point per use.
Knuckle Bombs[edit]
(Prerequisites: Smashing Blows) An upgraded version the smashing blows modification, includes more destructive components than previously and increases the unarmed strike damage of the Iron Man from 1d6 to 1d8 plus Strength modifier and gain the collision special weapon property. Additionally, when the character spends a point of battery power upon a successful hit, the character ignites a small repulsor grenade mounted on the character's knuckles or shins that inflicts the character's repulsor damage to the target.
Targeting Matrix[edit]
Upon selecting this modification, the range of the character's repulsors increases to 80ft due to increased cohesion of the beam and better targeting, and the character gains a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls when using the repulsors as a weapon. By spending a point of battery power, the character may spend a full round action to fire a single repulsor strike with a range of 200ft that inflicts an additional point of damage per die of damage inflicted, and the character may add his Intelligence modifier to the attack roll as an insight bonus.
Jump Jets[edit]
Boot mounted repulsors are installed into the armor that allow the wearer to make powerful leaps (or the off-repulsor blast from the feet if the situation calls for it). The character may add his initiator level to Acrobatics checks for Jumping. This modification is always in effect and is reflexive.
Recharge Matrix[edit]
This modification installs a series of channels into the armor that help direct certain types of energies to funnel directly into the character's main battery reactor. Spells or supernatural effects (or even naturally occurring lightning) that would inflict electrical damage to the character may instead charge the character's battery pool. The character must make a Fortitude save before receiving damage against the level of the effect (natural lightning is a 4th level effect) that is inflicting electrical damage, and if successful, negates the damage and instead regains 1 point of battery per level of the effect. This requires the use of an immediate action.
Defensive Matrix[edit]
(Prerequisites: Jump Jets) This armor modification allows the armor some passive autonomous say in how to defend its wearer best, aiding him in avoiding attacks. The character gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC and a +1 insight bonus to Reflex saves per five initiator levels. If the character must make a Reflex save against a spell or effect for half damage (such as with spells like fireball or lightning bolt, or a breath weapons) and has the power matrix modification, the character can elect to spend a point of battery power to grant himself the evasion class feature for the attempt (must be spent before making the save) as an immediate action.
Light Ballistic Housings[edit]
The Iron Man installs a set of firearm barrels into wrist mounted firing channels that allows him to make attacks as if he had an advanced firearm built into his armor, acting as a revolver with a magazine capacity of 24 shots (there are two barrels on each wrist) before needing to reload both arms. Reload time is as a revolver, and the character can use the Targeting Matrix modification with this modification in lieu of repulsor attacks. These components may be enchanted separately, unlike other portions of the armor, as they are uniquely designed to be removable pieces for cleaning and maintenance and thus are as fully integrated. These may be used as a ranged attack as per normal ranged attack rules and systems.
Armor Fortification[edit]
The character gains the light fortification armor special quality when selecting this armor modification. If taken as a lesser modification, he gains the moderate fortification special quality, and if taken as a greater modification, he gains the heavy fortification special quality.
Flame Throwers[edit]
The Iron Man attaches a small pressurized tank on his back with hoses that lead to a pair of nozzles attached to the underside of his gauntlets. These nozzles spray burning gas from them, inflicting 2d4 points of fire damage when fired in a 20ft cone (Reflex for half) or if directed as a focused stream of fire (as a ranged touch attack with a range of 50ft) inflicting 3d4 points of fire damage. The gas takes a moment to replenish pressure, and may only be used once every 1d4 rounds, or 1d4+2 rounds if used as a focused stream. If taken as a Lesser modification, the Flame Thrower is improved, inflicting 4d6 points of damage in a 30ft cone (Reflex for half) and the focused stream inflicts 7d6 points of damage, and if taken as a Greater Modification the Flame Throws inflict 8d6 fire damage in a 50ft cone (Reflex for half) and the focused stream inflicts 14d6 fire damage with a range of 80ft.
Flight Repulsors[edit]
(Prerequisites: Jump Jets) The character's mastery of repulsor technology has increased to allow for actual flight, but does require him to have both of his hands free to fly correctly. The character gains a flight speed of 60ft with average maneuverability. These can be activated as a swift action. This can be improved by a character with the power matrix modification, increasing flight speed by 20ft per point of battery power spent for one minute but risking system failure with increased speed.
By building a direct port from his chest mounted battery compartment into a repulsor blaster of incredible power, the character is capable of releasing a devastating blast of destructive force. As a full round action, the character must spend two points of battery power and the character unleashes a horrifyingly powerful blast of repulsor energy, inflicting twice the character's repulsor dice in damage in a 120ft line (Reflex for half damage). If the character has a power matrix modification, the character may augment this blast by spending four additional points to increase this to triple the dice, or eight points of battery power to quadruple this damage. Once this blast is used, the character cannot use the unibeam again for another 1d4 rounds, +1 for every additional two battery power points spent to increase its damage. The power of this blast can mimic the effects of a disintegrate spell for the purposes of destroying effects like a wall of force if the damage dice equal 24 dice or more.
Repulsor Blade[edit]
As a move action, by focusing his palm mounted repulsors into a resonating pattern, the character can form a two-handed beam of energy that roughly resembles a longsword. This weapon may benefit from high Strength or feats that utilize a character's Strength score (such as Power Attack) to increase a weapon's damage and can benefit from feats that improve his use of a longsword, and from feats like Combat Reflexes or Improved Sunder. All aspects, treat this weapon as a longsword wielded in both hands. This weapon inflicts damage equal to the character's repulsors and while this modification is in use, the character cannot use his repulsors for flight or for ranged attacks.
Augment Strength[edit]
The character's armor has reinforced servo motors that increase the character's physical power exponentially, and allows for incredible feats of might. This modification increases the base Strength of the armor by +6 when this modification is selected. If the character possesses the power matrix modification, he may elect to increase his Strength by two for every point of battery power he spends for a single attack, feat of strength or other Strength based roll that he makes, but may cause system failure as a result.
Cloaking Device[edit]
(Breastplate based suit only) The Iron Man builds stealth capabilities into a suit of armor, allowing it to generate a spell-like invisibility effect on his armor for 1 point of battery power per ten minutes of use. Use of the repulsors for anything beyond flight (such as combat uses) or any aggressive action will break the stealth unless the character spends 1 battery point to immediately reinvigorate the invisibility field as an immediate action.
Enduring Armor[edit]
As the armor has taken on construct traits, it can be reinforced with additional heartiness and resilience. This modification may be selected multiple times (maximum of three times), and each time it is selected the armor gains an additional 30 hit points. These hit points may be restored by one hour of maintenance by making a Craft (armorer) skill check, restoring that number of hit points or by any means that would restore health to a construct.
Enduring Shields[edit]
(Prerequisites: Force Shield) By funneling battery power into the shields of his armor, the Iron Man assures his safety by granting his shield a battery of hit points that protects him from not only physical attacks but any attack that would inflict hit point damage against him. The character's shields gain a number of hit points for the purposes of damage absorption equal to five times his initiator level. Damage inflicted upon the character is split in half; half to the shields and half to the character. These hit points replenish slowly, 10 hit points per minute, but can be restored faster by spending 1 battery point per 10 hit points to be restored as a move action.
Power Matrix[edit]
(Prerequisites: Recharge Matrix) While not of much direct use itself, the power matrix is used to augment other abilities but with the risk of system failure, as the power matrix is an overriding system that surpasses system safety and limitations to do the extraordinary. At a base, when the power matrix is engaged to augment an ability, there is a base 5% chance that the armor shorts out and goes dead for 1d6 rounds while the system needs to replenish its power, and this chance increases by 5% per power point spent to augment the modification in question.
Powerful Build[edit]
(Full Plate only) The armor is built up with additional servos and height to make the wearer larger, stronger, and overall, more potent. The character counts as one size category larger for the purposes of determining bonuses for CMB and CMD, as well as the size of weapons he can wield. This does not improve the Iron Man's reach, nor does it cause him to take up more space, nor does he take size bonuses or penalties to attributes or attack roll penalties for his size. If the character is donning Modular Armor, this continues to carry through, allowing the Modular Armor to wield weapons sized two larger than the base creature and count as two sizes larger for the purposes of CMB and CMD checks.
Remote Summons[edit]
(Prerequisites: Flight Repulsors, Extremis class feature) The Iron Man who has built this function into his armor can summon his armor from up to 1 mile away with a small device that tracks to his location as if tracking the Iron Man by the locate creature spell, but does not get foiled by running water. The armor flies at its top speed to his location and once it arrives, it immediately begins to assemble itself around the character, taking 5 rounds to assemble around him fully. This can be sped up by the character spending 1 point of battery power per round to shave off to a minimum of one full round.
Medium Ballistic Spray[edit]
(Prerequisites: Light Ballistic Housings) The character installs an advanced firearm into his upper arm armor housing (between the revolver barrels) that acts as a shotgun with a magazine of 12 shots per arm. Reload time is as a shotgun, and the character can use the Targeting Matrix modification with this modification in lieu of repulsor attacks. These components may be enchanted separately, unlike other portions of the armor, as they are uniquely designed to be removable pieces for cleaning and maintenance and thus are as fully integrated. These may be used as a ranged attack as per normal ranged attack rules and systems.
Stinger Rockets[edit]
The Iron Man installs a small barrage of arcane missiles within compartments cleverly hidden along his ribs and shoulders (for a total of four compartments) that each hold five missiles. As a swift action, the character can spend one battery power point to release a container of these missiles that unerringly hit their targets as if they were magic missiles, and inflict 3d4 points of damage per missile. These cannot be reloaded in combat, and take a full ten minutes to reload the armor. These can be fired all simultaneously if the character possesses a power matrix for two power points, and each missile bay can be used to target an individual target as a standard action, but individual missile targets cannot be assigned.
Arc Reactor[edit]
(Prerequisites: Power Matrix) The character has perfected battery technology on his armor and has created a self-perpetuating reactor of battery power. The character's battery pool replenishes at one point of battery power every ten minutes, and system failure chances are reduced by 10%.
Bunker Buster[edit]
(Prerequisites: Medium Ballistic Spray, Targeting Matrix) The character has a single, powerful, shoulder mounted rocket that can be fired at a target at long range. This rocket can be guided using the Targeting Matrix, and where it strikes, inflicts a 30ft radius blast of explosive fire damage equal to 20d6 points of damage (Reflex save for half damage). This missile is launched as a standard action and costs one battery power point to launch, and cannot be reloaded in combat.
Adamantine Cutting Beam[edit]
(Prerequisite: Arc Reactor) This powerful armor modification hones the Iron Man's repulsors to a razor fine edge, allowing for it to slice through and bypass damage reduction and hardness as if it were adamantine at the cost of one battery power point per round. There is a 1 in 4 (1 on a 1d4 roll) chance per round that this is used that the fuses that hone this blow, and are immediately ejected. These cannot be changed in combat.
Heavy Ballistic Cannon[edit]
(Prerequisites: Medium Ballistic Spray) The character has a shoulder mounted cannon that fires out a hail of bullets in a 100ft line for the cost of a battery power point as a standard action or as part of a full attack action. This is a line attack that inflicts 10d10 points of damage to targets within its terrible range (Reflex save for half damage) and only has an ammo cache that can support three displays of its strength, and cannot be reloaded in combat. As this is not integrated under the armor of the Iron Man, it can be targeted and sundered as if it were a pepperbox rifle, and gains hardness and hit points based on the character's armor enhancement bonus.
Repair Nanites[edit]
(Prerequisites: Power Matrix) The Iron Man is capable of willing tiny particles of the character's armor and repair damage dealt to the armor itself, spending one point of battery to restore 10 hit points to the armor, and this can be done as a swift action.
Telepresence Armor[edit]
(Prerequisites: Enduring Armor, Power Matrix) Through the miracle of Extremis, the Iron Man is capable of directing his awesome armor from a position of safety through supreme concentration at range. The character can be at long range (400ft plus 10ft per initiator level) and is considered helpless due to his supreme concentration on controlling his fantastic suit of armor at this range. The armor uses its own hit points only, as the Iron Man isn't inside of it, but every other ability the character has from his Iron Man class levels can be used as if he were inside the suit. Due to his disconnection from the armor, every attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or related d20 check suffers a -2 penalty, and if the armor is destroyed, the character is stunned for 1d4 rounds due to the violent disconnect.