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[hide]Initiate of the Savage Path, Barbarian variant:[edit]
Warmonger / Hordebreaker
Alignment: Any nonlawful.
Starting Age: Simple.
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Special | Maneuvers Known | Maneuvers Readied | Stances Known | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fort | Ref | Will | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1st | +1 | +2 | +0 | +0 | Fast Movement, Rage 5 | 5 | 5(2) | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2nd | +2 | +3 | +0 | +0 | Uncanny Dodge | 5 | 5(2) | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd | +3 | +3 | +1 | +1 | Indomitable Surge | 6 | 5(2) | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4th | +4 | +4 | +1 | +1 | Rage 10 | 6 | 5(2) | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5th | +5 | +4 | +1 | +1 | Improved Uncanny Dodge | 7 | 5(2) | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6th | +6/+1 | +5 | +2 | +2 | Channeled Fury | 7 | 5(2) | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7th | +7/+2 | +5 | +2 | +2 | Indomitable Will | 8 | 5(2) | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8th | +8/+3 | +6 | +2 | +2 | Rage 20 | 8 | 5(2) | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9th | +9/+4 | +6 | +3 | +3 | 9 | 5(2) | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10th | +10/+5 | +7 | +3 | +3 | Channeled Fury +1 round | 9 | 6(3) | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11th | +11/+6/+1 | +7 | +3 | +3 | Greater Rage | 10 | 6(3) | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12th | +12/+7/+2 | +8 | +4 | +4 | Rage 30 | 10 | 6(3) | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13th | +13/+8/+3 | +8 | +4 | +4 | 11 | 6(3) | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14th | +14/+9/+4 | +9 | +4 | +4 | Channeled Fury +2 rounds | 11 | 6(3) | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15th | +15/+10/+5 | +9 | +5 | +5 | Deathless Rage | 12 | 6(3) | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16th | +16/+11/+6/+1 | +10 | +5 | +5 | Rage 40 | 12 | 6(3) | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17th | +17/+12/+7/+2 | +10 | +5 | +5 | 13 | 6(3) | 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18th | +18/+13/+8/+3 | +11 | +6 | +6 | Channeled Fury +3 rounds | 13 | 6(3) | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19th | +19/+14/+9/+4 | +11 | +6 | +6 | Battle Elation | 14 | 6(3) | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20th | +20/+15/+10/+5 | +12 | +6 | +6 | Mighty Rage 60 | 14 | 7(4) | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level) |
All of the following are class features of the barbarian.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A barbarian is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
At 1st level you gain the Maneuver, Stance, initiator level progression, and Recovery of a Crusader. You gain access to the Iron Heart, Stone Dragon, and Tiger Claw disciplines.
Rage (Ex): A barbarian can call upon reserves of strength and ferocity, granting him additional combat prowess. In a rage, a barbarian temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase in Constitution does not increase the barbarian’s hit points. Your ferrocity allows you to temporarily set aside the pain and hindering effects of injuries. When an opponent strikes you, the injury does not immediately affect you. You have a delayed damage pool during rage, that allows you to forestall the effects of many injuries. This pool begins at 0 with each encounter. When you are attacked, any hit point damage the blow deals is added to your delayed damage pool. At the end of your next turn, you take damage equal to the total stored in your delayed damage pool, which then resets to 0. Any healing you receive can either increase your current hit point total as normal or reduce the total damage in your delayed damage pool. When you receive healing, you choose whether it affects your damage pool, your hit points, or both (you can split the amount of healing as you wish).
Special effects tied to an attack, such as energy drain, stun, and so forth, still affect you as normal, and their effects are not delayed by this ability. For example, if you are bitten by a venomous spider, you must still attempt a Fortitude save against the poison immediately, even though the bite damage shifts into your delayed damage pool. By the same token, any other special attack that imposes a condition, such as a medusa's petrifying gaze, takes immediate effect on you.
At 1st level, your delayed damage pool can hold up to 5 points of damage. Any damage beyond that comes off your hit points as normal. The maximum damage your pool holds increases by 5 at 4th, by 10 at 8th, 12th and 16th, and by 20 at 20th level.
You heal 1 pont of damage in your dealayed damage pool, for each 2 points of damage you deal with your melee attacks.
While raging, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. He can use any feat he has except Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and metamagic feats.
A fit of rage lasts for 5 rounds plus one round per barbarian level after the 1st. The duration of the rage increases by one round for each defeated (killed or incapacitated) opponent that was engaged in combat with the barbarian's allies. A barbarian may prematurely end his rage. At the end of the rage, the barbarian loses the rage modifiers and restrictions, he immediately takes damage equal to the total stored in his delayed damage pool and becomes winded for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in rage. A winded barbarian is more susceptible to effects that cause him to be fatigued and exhausted, he automaticaly fails any saving throw agains those effects.
A barbarian can fly into a rage once per encounter. Entering a rage takes no time itself, but a barbarian can do it only during his action, not in response to someone else’s action. If a barbarian falls unconscious, his rage immediately ends.
Fast Movement (Ex): A barbarian’s land speed is faster than the norm for his race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the barbarian’s speed because of any load carried or armor worn.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 2nd level, a barbarian retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If a barbarian already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.
Indomitable Surge (Ex): A 3rd level barbarian can opt to reroll a single saving throw once per encounter. The barbarian must abide by the result of the new, second saving throw, even if it is lower than the first. This ability does not require an action, you simply decide to use it after seeing the result of your saving throw roll but before the DM tells you if it fails or succeeds.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 5th level and higher, a barbarian can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the barbarian by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target has barbarian levels. If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level a rogue must be to flank the character.
Channeled Fury (Ex): When a 6th level barbarian enters Rage, he gets all readied maneuvers granted. He can gain this effect for an aditional round anytime during rage at 10th, 14th and 18th level. (Solutions brought to you by Your Rage!™)
Indomitable Will (Ex): At 7rd level, a Raging barbarian’s mind has been closed off from distractions by the depths of his bloodlust and battle fury. Compulsion and fear effects are supressed while Raging.
Greater Rage (Ex): At 11th level, a barbarian’s bonuses to Strength and Constitution during his rage each increase to +6, and his morale bonus on Will saves increases to +3. The penalty to AC remains at –2.
A barbarian can fly into a rage twice per encounter. At the end of the rage, the barbarian becomes winded for a number of rounds equal to the number of rounds spent in rage. A barbarian cannot enter a new rage while winded.
Deathless Rage (Ex): A 15th level barbarian can't die from hitpoint damage and ignores the effects of being at 0 or fewer hit points while raging.
Battle Elation (Su): A 19th level, the barbarian can rage indefinetly, as long as there are opponents threatening him or his allies.
Mighty Rage (Ex): At 20th level, a barbarian’s bonuses to Strength and Constitution during his rage each increase to +8, and his morale bonus on Will saves increases to +4. The penalty to AC remains at –2. A barbarian can fly into a rage three times per encounter. At the end of the rage, the barbarian does not become winded.
- One level in this variant class qualifies a barbarian for any feat with a crusader class prerequisite, the barbarian must still meet all other prerequisites for the feat.
Victory Surge (Ex): You ignore the damage stored in your dealyed damage pool at the end of your rage, if you defeated an opponenet in the last round of your rage.
Vigour (Su): Barbarians shrug off wounds that would cripple a lesser man, and have learned to draw upon deep reserves of energy and stamina. At 4th level, they gain Fast Healing 1. At 8th level this becomes Fast Healing 2, Fast Healing 4 at 12th level, Fast Healing 6 at 16th level, and Fast Healing 8 at 20th level. This healing only applies while the barbarian is not raging.
Hulking Rage (Su): A 7th level barbarian may opt to increase his size by one category while raging to the next larger one, doubling his height and multiplying his weight by 8. The barbarian gains the modifiers outlined in table Creature Size and Scale due to his increased size. If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, the barbarian attains the maximum possible size and may make a Strength check (using his increased Strength) to burst any enclosures in the process. If he fails, he is constrained without harm by the materials enclosing him. All equipment worn or carried by the barbarian is similarly enlarged. Melee and projectile weapons deal more damage due to increased size. Other magical properties are not affected by this spell. Any item that leaves the barbarian’s possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown weapons deal their normal damage, and projectiles deal damage based on the size of the weapon that fired them.
Eater of Magic (Su): When a raging barbarian of 9th level succeds on a saving throw, or is immune to the effect of a spell, supernatural ability, or spell-like ability, he gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the effect’s caster level, in the case of spells or spell-like abilities, or the HD of the effect’s creator, in the case of supernatural abilities. Te barbarian can also choose to, as a standard action, absorb the magic stored in an item, he gains a number of hit points equal to the item’s caster level, up to his barbarian level. When doing so all the item’s magical properties are suppressed for 2d4 rounds, after which the item recovers on its own. When the barbarian absorbs magic from a scroll or a wand, he uses up the magic stored in the item. The writing on a scroll disappears as if used and the wand loses one charge and is suppressed. A suppressed item becomes nonmagical for the duration of the effect. An interdimensional interface (such as a bag of holding) is temporarily closed. A magic item’s physical properties are unchanged: A suppressed magic sword is still a sword (a masterwork sword, in fact). Artifacts are unaffected by this ability. These temporary hit points last while the barbarian rages.
Invigorating Magic (Su): When a raging barbarian of 13th gains temporary hit points from Eater of Magic, he also gains his Vigor fast healing for a number of rounds equal to the temporary hit points. This ability stacks with itself and any fast healing the barbarian has.
Great Vigor (Su): A 15th level, half of the fast healing granted by Vigor continues while raging.
Breaker of Magic (Su): At 17th level, a Raging Barbarian may, as a full-round action, use the temporary hit points from Eater of Magic to make a single melee or touch attack that, on a successful hit, has an additional effect similar to a targeted dispell magic. Unlike normal dipel magic, this effect uses the temporary hit points from Eater of Magic for the dispel check.
Initiate of Steel, Fighter variant:[edit]
Alignment: Any.
Starting Age: Moderate.
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Special | Maneuvers Known | Maneuvers Readied | Stances Known | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fort | Ref | Will | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1st | +1 | +2 | +0 | +0 | Combat Savant, Know thy Enemy | 3 | 3 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2nd | +2 | +3 | +0 | +0 | Combat Aptitude | 4 | 3 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd | +3 | +3 | +1 | +1 | Inpairing Presence | 5 | 3 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4th | +4 | +4 | +1 | +1 | Combat Aptitude | 5 | 4 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5th | +5 | +4 | +1 | +1 | 6 | 4 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6th | +6/+1 | +5 | +2 | +2 | Combat Aptitude | 6 | 4 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7th | +7/+2 | +5 | +2 | +2 | Defensive Reach | 7 | 4 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8th | +8/+3 | +6 | +2 | +2 | Combat Aptitude | 7 | 4 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9th | +9/+4 | +6 | +3 | +3 | 8 | 4 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10th | +10/+5 | +7 | +3 | +3 | Combat Aptitude | 8 | 5 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11th | +11/+6/+1 | +7 | +3 | +3 | Tricks of the Trade | 9 | 5 | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12th | +12/+7/+2 | +8 | +4 | +4 | Combat Aptitude | 9 | 5 | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13th | +13/+8/+3 | +8 | +4 | +4 | 10 | 5 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14th | +14/+9/+4 | +9 | +4 | +4 | Combat Aptitude | 10 | 5 | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15th | +15/+10/+5 | +9 | +5 | +5 | Rapid Refocus | 11 | 6 | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16th | +16/+11/+6/+1 | +10 | +5 | +5 | Combat Aptitude | 11 | 6 | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17th | +17/+12/+7/+2 | +10 | +5 | +5 | 12 | 6 | 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18th | +18/+13/+8/+3 | +11 | +6 | +6 | Combat Aptitude | 12 | 6 | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19th | +19/+14/+9/+4 | +11 | +6 | +6 | Stance Mastery | 13 | 6 | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20th | +20/+15/+10/+5 | +12 | +6 | +6 | Combat Aptitude | 13 | 7 | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level) |
All of the following are class features of the fighter.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (including tower shields).
At 1st level you gain the Maneuver, Stance, initiator level progression, and Recovery of a Warblade. You gain access to the Devoted Spirit, Diamond Mind, Iron Heart, Setting Sun, and White Raven disciplines.
Combat Savant (Ex): At 1st level, the Fighter may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity equal to his Intelligence bonus (up to your fighter level). Combat Savant can be used in place of Combat Reflexes to qualify for a feat, prestige class, or other special ability (It stacks with Combat Reflexes feat).
Know thy Enemy (Ex): Fighters battle against a great many foes, and learn to identify them quickly. A 1st level Fighter can add his class level to all Knowledge checks to identify an opponent, and always counts as trained in any such knowledge check.
Combat Aptitude (Ex): At 2nd level and every two fighter levels thereafter(4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th aso.), you gain a fighter bonus feat that can be retrained by spening 1 hour with combat training. In effect you lose the old bonus feat in exchange for a new one. You can’t change fighter bonus feats in such a way that you no longer meet the prerequisite for some other feat, prestige class, or other ability you possess. A fighter must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat.
Add Blade Meditation, Clarion Commander, Desert Wind Dodge, Devoted Bulwark, Distant Horizon, Faith Unswerving, Falling Sun Attack, Gloom Razor, Ironheart Aura, Perfect Clarity of Mind and Body, Reaping Talons, Scorching Sirocco, Shadow Blade, Shards of Granite, Stone Power, Stormguard Warrior, Unnerving Calm, White Raven Defense to your fighter bonus feat list.
Inpairing Presence (Ex): A 3rd level fighter adds a bonus equal to half his class level rounded down to DC for skill checks his opponents atempt within his reach. If an opponent attempts to cast a spell defensively within a fighter's reach, the Concentration check DC to avoid his attack of opportunity increases by an amount equal to half his class level rounded down. If an opponent attempts to use the Tumble skill to move through the fighter's space or threatened area without provoking attacks of opportunity, the Tumble check DC to avoid his attack of opportunity increases by an amount equal to half the fighter's class level rounded down.
Defensive Reach (Ex): At 7th level, when wielding a non-reach weapon, the Fighter increases his reach by five feet for use with attacks of opportunity. When wielding a two-handed reach weapon the Fighter threatens adjacent enemies and may attack them with attacks of opportunity as though he was not wielding a reach weapon.
Tricks of the Trade (Ex): An 11th level Fighter adds the difference in base attack bonus to bull rush, overrun, or trip attemptschecks made, if positive. He can aditionaly choose to ignore both his and his opponents size bonus to these special attacks.
Rapid Refocus (Ex): A 15th level fighter can retrain his Combat Aptitude feats as a full-round action once per encounter.
Stance Mastery (Ex): At 19th level, you can have two stances active simultaneously. When you use a swift action to initiate or change your stance, you can initiate or change one or both stances.
- One level in this variant class qualifies the fighter for any feat with a warblade class prerequisite, the fighter must still meet all other prerequisites for the feat.
Shadow hand initiate, Rogue variant:[edit]
Replaces: If you select this class feature, your Sneak Attack progression is halved (1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, 17th).
Benefit: At 1st level you gain the Maneuver, Stance, initiator level progression, and Recovery of a Warblade. You gain access to the Diamond Mind, Setting Sun, Shadow Hand, Stone Dragon and Tiger Claw. disciplines. Add Concentration and Martial Lore to the rogue's skill list.
+ AB on non sneak attack levels
d8 hd
- One level in this variant class qualifies the rogue for any feat with a warblade class prerequisite, the rogue must still meet all other prerequisites for the feat.
Monk of the sublime way:[edit]
(Well this expanded and then exploded. The monk as it was sucked hard. He had mobility but needed to do full attacks. A crutch was not enough, he got a complete exoskeleton with cybernetic implants and lazoooorrsss. I stole a homebrew feat from the site for him and ran with it.)
Replaces: If you select this class feature, you lose Flurry of Blows at 1st level, Ki Strike at 4th level, Abundant Step at 12th level, Diamond Soul at 13th level, Quivering Palm at 15th level, Empty Body at 19th level, and Perfect Self at 20th level.
Benefit: At 1st level you gain the Maneuver, Stance and initiator level progression of a Swordsage.
You begin an encounter with all your readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times you might have already used them since you chose them. When you initiate a maneuver, you expend it for the current encounter, so each of your readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless you recover them, as described below).
You recover an expended maneuver each time you succeed with a strike maneuver. If you succeed with your strike maneuver (eg. special effect is applied on Saphire Nightmare Blade, or both melee rolls of Wolf Fang Strike hit), you can choose one expended maneuver to refresh. It is now available for use in a subsequent round.
You select 6 out of all 9 martial disciplines. All special monk weapons are considered preferred weapons of your chosen disciplines.
Add Martial Lore to the monk's skill list.
!!! +Incarnum goodies !!!
(Optional: Consider Handaxe as Hu Die Dao, add Battleaxe (Dao), Glaive (Guan Dao), Longspear, Longsword, Short Sword, Spear to the monk's weapon proficiency)
Furthermore you gain Maneuver Focus, Weapon Training at 1st level, Ki strike enhancement (similar to a Soulknifes Mind Blade Enhancement) at 4th level, Perfect Strike at 10th level.
- Maneuver Focus: At 1st level, a monk adds her Wisdom modifier, if positive, up to a maximum equal to her class level, as a bonus on damage rolls whenever she executes a strike. The monk adds the diference between her base attack bonus and initiator level, if positive, as a bonus on attack rolls when executing strikes, boosts and counters that require an attack roll.
- Weapon Training: At 1st level, a monk learns to apply the same techniques which turn her normally feeble unarmed strike into a powerful blow that shatters bone, to all melee monk weapons. The melee monk weapons gain the damage of her unarmed strike, or the weapon's original damage, whichever is higher. Any special abilities that would be delivered through or modify an unarmed strike may now be used with her monk weapons, such as the Stunning Fist feat. The effort needed to wield a weapon in combat does not change (For example, an 8th level monk deals 1d10 damage with a Quarterstaff, has a +2 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls, the quarterstaff is still considered a two handed or duble weapon).
- Ki Strike (Su): At 4th level, a monk’s unarmed attacks are empowered with ki. Her unarmed attacks are treated as magic weapons with a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls that improves every four levels beyond 4th (+2 at 8th level, +3 at 12th level, +4 at 16th level, and +5 at 20th level).
- Ki Strike Enhancement (Su): At 6th level, a monk gains the ability to enhance her ki strike. She can add any one DM aproved weapon special ability that has an enhancement bonus value of +1. She can suppress or resume this ability as a free action.
At, every four levels beyond 6th (10th, 14th, and 18th) the value of the enhancement a monk can add to her ki strike improves to +2, +3, and +4, respectively. A monk can choose any combination of weapon special abilities that does not exceed the total allowed by the monk’s level.
A monk can reassign the ability or abilities she has added to her ki strike. To do so, she must first spend 8 hours in meditation. After that period, her fists are empowered with the new ability or abilities selected by the monk.
At 16th level, a monk's unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction and bypassing hardness.
- Perfect Strike: The monk's mastery of strikes improves, allowing her to initiate two standard action martial strikes as part of one full-round action. She must have both strikes readied. When a perfect strike is used, the action must be declared beforehand, both strikes are resolved separately in the stated order and are expended.
- One level in this variant class qualifies the monk for any feat with a swordsage class prerequisite, the monk must still meet all other prerequisites for the feat.
Initiate of the Endless Hunt, Ranger variant:[edit]
Replaces: If you select this class feature, you lose the Combat Style at 2nd, Improved Combat Style at 6th, Combat Style Mastery at 11th, and Ranger Spellcasting at 4th level. One good save.
Benefit: Skirmish + manevers
Cleric variant:[edit]
Cleric + Paladin class abilities, the cleric is the f*****g chosen of the gods, one good save, med armor max
Druid variant:[edit]
Use acfs combined to nerf but let it still be fun, wisdom empathy, urban companion + beast spirit + shifting style instad of wildshape with alt wildhape variant stuff aso. one good save and 2 skill points couse im an asshole.