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Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 6d10+18 (51 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), swim 50 ft., fly 140 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 30 (–1 size, +4 Dex, +4 natural, +9 Armor, +4 Shield), touch 13, flat-footed 26
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+15
Attack: Claw +13 melee (1d4+8)
Full Attack: 2 claws +13 melee (1d4+8) and bite +8 melee (1d8+5)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +5
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills: Spot +9, Disguise +8, Knowledge:Religion: -1, Sense Motive +10, Jump +14, Survival +10
Feats: Endurance, Grimoire, Armor Proficiency(Heavy), Drop from Orbit, Air Heritage, HM Slave, Adept Flyer
Environment: Temperate hills
Organization: Solitary, pair, or flight (7–12)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 4–6 HD (Large); 7–9 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment:

Hippogriffs are aggressive flying creatures that combine features of horses and giant eagles. Voracious omnivores, hippogriffs will hunt humanoids as readily as any other meal. A typical hippogriff is 9 feet long, has a wingspan of 20 feet, and weighs 1,000 pounds.


Hippogriffs dive at their prey and strike with their clawed forelegs. When they cannot dive, they slash with claws and beak. Mated pairs and flights of these creatures attack in concert, diving repeatedly to drive away or kill intruders. Hippogriffs fight to the death to defend their nests and their hatchlings, which are prized as aerial mounts and fetch a handsome price in many civilized areas.

Skills: Hippogriffs have a +4 racial bonus on Spot checks.


A hippogriff requires training before it can bear a rider in combat.

Training a hippogriff requires six weeks of work and a DC 25 Handle Animal check. Riding a hippogriff requires an exotic saddle. A hippogriff can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds on a Ride check.

Hippogriff eggs are worth 2,000 gp apiece on the open market, while young are worth 3,000 gp each. Professional trainers charge 1,000 gp to rear or train a hippogriff.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a hippogriff is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301–600 pounds; and a heavy load, 601–900 pounds.

See Wikipedia Entry: Hippogriff

HM Slave [Monstrous] This Pokemon tends to be valued mostly for its ability to handle mundane crap. Prerequisites: Normal Type Pokemon Benefit: You can do all of the following

Smash rocks: by making a Slam attack against an inanimate, non-magical rock (including stone statues, bricks and walls made out of stone or brick), you deal 1d6 damage per hit die, ignoring all Hardness. This has no recoil and is a [Fighting] effect. The GM might allow you to find Fossils, Shards and gems by doing this.

Cut trees: with a Standard Action, you may hack any single nonmagical tree down as long as the diameter of the trunk is no greater than 5 feet. You can likewise hack through a 5' square of brambles and such, clearing the way. This is a [Normal] effect.

Surf: you gain a Swim Speed equal to your Land Speed, and all attendant bonuses. Even if too small to ride, up to 500lbs of creatures and gear can hang onto you and be pulled along without penalty. This is a [Water] effect.

Ignore Whirlpools: You, and all clinging to you, completely ignore whirlpools, treating them as gentle motionless water. This is a [Water] effect.

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