User:Parakee/Sonic (3.5e Cleric Domain)

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Author: Parakee (talk)
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Sonic Domain

Make sounds or something

Granted Powers[edit]

Your voice is supernaturally penetrating, allowing you to speak, produce sonic effects, and cast spells with verbal components despite any mundane environmental conditions which might inhibit you from doing so (such as being underwater, or being in a vacuum). This does not allow you to overcome silence or other magical effects, which specifically inhibit sound. Additionally, as a move action, you may magically amplify your voice, speaking a sentence or two which is easily heard by anyone within medium range.

Sonic Domain Spells[edit]

  1. soundproof
  2. Great ThunderclapSpC
  3. sculpt sound
  4. greater shout
  5. sympathetic vibration
  6. shout of typhon
  7. nine acre thunder (sonic damage instead of fire)

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