User:Leziad/Sorcerer Bloodlines/Insectoid

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Insectoid Bloodline[edit]

You may be the product of insane experiments, or your family has been blessed by insect-like magical creatures. No matter the case, you have been blessed with the power and grace of insects.

Class Skill: Perception.

Bonus Spells: faerie fire (3rd), vomit swarm (5th), vermin shape I (7th), vermin shape II (9th), insect plague (11th), creeping doom (13th), (15th), (17th), (19th).

Bonus Feats: Hover, Great Fortitude, Toughness

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell of the conjuration or transmutation school, increase the spell’s DC by +1.

Bloodline Powers: As you grow in power, your body start changing, while you retain a mostly humanoid apparence you gain many traits associated with insects. Many sorcerers of this bloodline retain the best of their humanoid form.

Bug Empathy (Ex): You gain a druid's wild empathy, except that it affect only creatures of the vermin type rather than animals.

Insectile Physiology (Ex): At 3rd level chitin start growing on your skin and your senses start becoming keener, granting you a +1 natural armor bonus to AC and you gain low-light vision, if you already had low-light vision, you instead gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks. At 9th level your natural armor increase to +2 and you gain darkvision of 60 ft, if you already had darkvision it range improved by 60 ft. At 15th level, your natural armor bonus increases to +4.

Retractable Wings (Ex): At 9th level, you gain the ability to deploy a pair of insectile wings from your back as a standard action. The wings grant you a fly speed of 60 feet with good maneuverability. You can retract the wings as a free action.