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[hide]Bluff (Cha)[edit]
Bluff is the skill that allow a character to lie, deceive and conceal. The art of deception is widely practiced and plenty are able to defend against it but has a wide array of uses.
The usage of Bluff is both a targeted DC and an opposed check, typically acting as two points of potential failure. Only certain uses do not allow an opposed sense motive or do not have a minimum DC, which will be described in their entry.
The bonus granted by spells such as glibness are powerful indeed, however any bonus granted to bluff by supernatural effect have certain disadvantages. If a creature is aware you are using one of such effect, such as by identifying it, the bonus is not longer applicable and they are considered suspicious (or increased to very suspicious). A spell savvy creature would also be suspicious if they found an enchantment aura on yourself through detect magic.
No matter how high a bluff score get, certain things may still be impossible. Usually the involvement of supernatural effect allow for impossible lies to be spread, but they rarely last past it duration. The bonus and penalty here are given as an example for wide usage, certain circumnstances may change the checks or even make an otherwise unreasonable use perfectly doable.
DC | Examples | Sense Motive Modifier |
5 | Lie. | +0 to -40. |
10 | Conceal Emotion. | +0 to -10. |
15 | Conceal Disposition. | +10 or -5. |
20 | Shake Convictions. | +0 |
20 | Relay Secret Message. | +0 |
20 | Telling Hard to Believe Truth. | +0 |
Variable | Create Distraction. | +0 |
Variable | Feinting in Combat. | Variable |
+5 to +10 | Bluffing a suspicious target. | -5 to -10 |
+40 | Bluffing a target reading your mind. | -20 to -40. |
Lie: A simple application in bluff, at least for the most part. You simply lie to one or more creature, if you meet the minimum DC all creature who are listening to you are allowed an opposed sense motive check to notice that you might not be telling the truth.
If a lie is simple and easy to believe the listeners do not gain a bonus to Sense Motive, the more difficult a lie is to accept the higher the target receive a penalty to sense motive. If the target has proof or otherwise know it a lie it automatically succeed it sense motive check.
If a creature beat your bluff by 10 or more, they gain a vital clue about your lie and what part of it is false or true.
Conceal Emotion: You can adjust your facial expression, body language and etc to conceal your emotional state. If you beat the minimum DC you successfully conceal your emotional state, although observers are allowed to make a sense motive check to read through your deception. If the emotion is particularly strong the DC of their sense motive check is reduced by 5, and if you attempt to appears to be feeling a very different emotion the DC is lowered by another 5.
If an observer beat your bluff by 10 or more they gain vital clues about your actual emotional state.
Conceal Disposition: You conceal your personal disposition toward a creature in your line of sight, usually only needed if you are helpful or hostile toward them (or otherwise feel strongly about it). All observers are allowed a sense motive check to notice that you are not acting quite right.
The longer you interact with the creature the harder, if you interact with the creature for more than a minute the DC on the sense motive check is lowered by 5. If an observer or your interlocutor beat your bluff by 10 or more they gain a vital clue on your actual disposition toward the creature. If you are not interacting with the creature, the sense motive DC instead increase by 10.
Shake Convictions: You use deception, flattery and other underhanded methods to undermine the deeply held views of those you interact with. This require at least 1d4x10 minutes of talking and interaction and can be used on multiple target (such as crowd). The bluff check is the same for every target, with a penalty applied individually based on how deeply they hold onto their convictions. A loosely held conviction will have no penalty, while a fanatically held conviction can go as low as a -50. If the check is successful, you undermine the target's conviction, making this ability easier to use in the future (typically decreasing the DC by 10).
The successful use of this ability make the target (or targets) doubt of their deeply held belief, this cause them to take a -4 penalty on all Charisma-based skill when dealing with conviction, and potentially worse penalties for a deeply devoted target. The penalty last for 24 hours per point of Charisma bonus you possess (or the ability score you add to bluff), after which the target may reaffirm it belief. Alternatively the penalty can be ended early by abandoning their conviction.
This can be rushed as a full-round action with a -20 penalty. If you do not meet the normal DC or your target beat your bluff with their sense motive, they see through your attempts and usually become on category less friendly toward you. If that happen this skill check automatically fail.
Relay Secret Message: You attempt to relay a message through innuendo and dog whistles without any observer catching on it true meaning. If you are not familiar with the target of the secret message you take a -10 penalty to the bluff, if you developed a secret code with the target you gain a +10. Any observer is allowed an opposed sense motive check to notice that a secret message is being relayed.
If the observer beat your bluff by 10 or more they gain a vital clue on the nature of the message and potentially it meaning. If you fail the minimum DC you can either choose that everyone understand the message, or that no one does.
Telling Hard to Believe Truth: You tell the true, although it sound like a lie. If you beat the DC you successfully do so in a way which make it apparent. You take a penalty to bluff if the targets are suspicious of you, such as you lying to them in the past. You may also take a penalty if the truth is incredibly difficult to believe.
Create Distraction: As a standard action you create a distraction to hide, making a bluff check opposed by the sense motive of the creature (or creatures) you attempt to hide from. If you succeed for 1 round you count as having concealment for the purpose of hiding.
Feinting in Combat: See Feint.
Bluffing a suspicious target: If a target is suspicious of your lies, such as being familiar with you or catching you lie in the past they gain a +5 bonus on their sense motive attempt against your bluff. You also take a -5 penalty on your bluff, potentially falling the minimum DC. If they are very suspicious both double.
Bluffing a target reading your mind: If a creature is reading your mind (such as with detect thoughts or read thoughts) they gain a +20 bonus on their sense motive attempt against your bluff, this is halved if you are aware they are doing it. The DC of all your bluff attempt also increase by 20, except relay secret message which instead decrease by 20.
Unless specified otherwise bluffing a target take at least 1 minute, may take more depending on the use or the lie.
Try Again[edit]
You cannot attempt to try a bluff check again, although it is possible to attempt to catch yourself if you have proof that your bluff fell flat.
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