User:Leziad/Knight of Darkness (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 6th July 2019
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Knight of Darkness

A Knight of Darkness is a less martial focused antipaladin, trading away some fighting capacities and smite good ability for better spellcasting and touch of corruption abilities. They often find comfort and support from dark patrons, who have them fight for various dark goals. Some knights of darkness pursue their own personal goals, such as vendettas, rampant nihilism, madness and desire for utter destruction or even more sympathetic goals such as fear and despair over their coming death.

The Knight of Darkness is inspired by villains from the Final Fantasy series and other RPGs. Despite this, its flavor should be flexible and suited for most games.

Class: Antipaladin

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: BAB, Spellcasting, Smite Good, Plague Bringer, Channel Negative Energy, Aura of Vengeance, Aura of Sin, Unholy Champion

Benefit: A Knight of Darkness possess moderate BAB (as a Cleric) instead of full BAB. Additionally she gain access to the following class features.

Code of Conduct: Unlike most Antipaladin, a Knight of Darkness possesses a strict code of conduct. Their code is unique to each Knight of Darkness, but is very much aligned toward evil. If an Knight of Darkness violate her code, she gain a single daunt level (ignoring immunities) and lose spells as if she took a single negative level. The daunt level may only be removed after the Knight of Darkness regains her spells and abilities for the day, by reaffirming or changing her beliefs with a 5 minutes prayer or meditation session.

Spellcasting: A Knight of Darkness cast spontaneous divine spell, using the same spell per day and spell known progression as a Bard. She draws her spells from the antipaladinPathfinder list and the magusPathfinder spell list. She may not pick spells with a descriptor of an opposed alignment (as a cleric). A Knight of Darkness uses her Charisma bonus to determine her spells per day and the DCs of her spells.

Arms of Darkness (Ex): A Knight of Darkness is an able fighter, although not as martially focused as some of her peers. At 1st level she gain Weapon Focus as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisites.

Smite Nemesis (Su): A knight of darkness can call out to the dark powers to crush those who opposed her. As a swift action, the knight of darkness chooses one creature within sight to smite that is either good-aligned or attacked her within last round. She gains a +1 bonus to attack roll and a bonus to damage equal to half her class level against the selected target. At 4th level and every three levels thereafter the bonus to attack roll increases by 1. While using smite nemesis she ignores her foe's DR, except DR/-. This bonus lasts for 1 round per two knight of darkness class levels or until the target is defeated or the knight of darkness choose a new smite target. This ability may be used at-will except that a creature can only be targeted once per day by smite nemesis. This ability counts as smite good for the purpose of abilities and prerequisites.

Dark Shield (Su): A 3rd level Knight of Darkness can create a defensive shield out of dark power. As a swift action she expends a use of Touch of Corruption to grant herself temporary hit points equal to 4 + twice her class level, these temporary hit points do not stack and last for 1 round per class level she possesses.

While she has temporary hit points from dark shield, the Knight of Darkness gains a +1 Deflection bonus to AC. This bonus increases by +1 at 7th level and each 4 levels thereafter. This deflection bonus to AC is ignored by a Holy weapon.

Wave of Darkness (Su): A 4th level Knight of Darkness may use her Touch of Corruption ability as a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 feet. She may use her Charisma modifier instead of her Dexterity modifier for the attack roll.

At 8th level she may spend two uses of Touch of Corruption as a full-round action to unleash it a 20-ft. spread centered on herself, a successful Will save halves the damage and negates any cruelty placed on it.

Dark Gaze (Ex): A 10th level Knight of Darkness is able to peer into darkness and see what is hidden within, gaining unlimited darkvision.

Dark Holy (Sp) An 11th level Knight of Darkness may spend two uses of her touch of corruption ability as a 1 round action to manifest a powerful evil incantation. She creates a wave of profane energy in a 40-ft.-radius spread within close range, dealing 1d8 unholy damage per class level to all creatures caught in it; a successful Will save halves the damage. The residual dark energy leave an unholy blight effect 1 round after, which is centered on the origin point of the dark holy and lasts for 1d4 rounds.

She may exclude any non-good creature from the effect as a free action but not from the residual effect.

Aura of Heartlessness (Su) A 14th level Knight of Darkness no longer suffer from any morale penalties (such as from crushing despair), the numerical penalties from fear-effect and become immune to daunt levels inflicted by others. All creatures within 10 ft. of the knight of darkness have any moral bonus suppressed. Since their heart have hardened, they are unable to use or benefits from the Aid Another action. The Knight of Darkness can resume or suppress this aura as a free action, it only functions while she is conscious.

Champion of Darkness (Su) A 20th level Knight of Darkness has unlocked the true power of darkness, allowing her to assume a dark and powerful form. Once per day as a full-round action she undergo a dark transformation and gain the Half-Fiend template, grow one size category (as per expansion) and gain a number of temporary hit points equal to her maximum hit point. In this form she can use her Dark Holy and Touch of Corruption ability without expending any uses.

Whenever the Knight of Darkness is damaged in this form, she may either take the damage to her temporary hit point or to her actual hit point, divided as she chooses. When the temporary hit points are depleted she return to her normal form and is left Staggered for 1 minute and exhausted. The transformation may otherwise be dismissed as a standard action, healing the Knight of Darkness by the amount of temporary hit point left in her pool then immediately losing them. The transformation can only be maintained for up to 10 minutes, after which it end as if it was dismissed.