User:Leziad/Game Updates
From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Game Schedule[edit]
Timezone is Eastern Time.
Players: Update this weekly please.
- I am always available every day after 7 pm except monday.
- Surgo is available every day after 7pm, but on weeknights must leave by 11:30pm.
- Eiji is available Mon/Tues this week, working/elsewhere the rest of the week. Next week available Weds/Thus. This pattern repeats.
- BH is available..
- Salazar is available all the time, Just needs to be informed when sessions will be happening ahead of time.
- Fusxfaranto is available from about 6:30 pm to midnight on weekdays, and from about 2 pm to 2 am on weekends.
- Other players I may have forgot about, just add yourself.
Houserules Update[edit]
1st Session[edit]
Players were: La'Ril, Mundus and Geoffry
Session meant to establish a base group to better include other players.
Important Events[edit]
- Recruited Mundus
- Met the Vonym Mirom
- Met and befriended the chapter master of the Vonym Mirom, Sister Bel
- Accepted to raid a warehouse in the Puma Quarter for Sister Bel.
Place Explored[edit]
- Broken Tooth Pub
- Slums
- Lion Quarter streets
NPCs Killed/PC Casualties[edit]
- None
Phat Lewt/XP Gained[edit]
- None
2nd Session[edit]
Basic Description of the session here