User:Leziad/Alternate Arc Shocker

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Arc Shocker[edit]

This is an alternate version of the arc shocker by Publishing . All credits to the original.

Arc Gauntlets (Ex): An arc shocker possesses a matching pair of gauntlets attuned to her own energy. These gauntlets are capable of producing electrical charge between them. A pair of gauntlets have a number of charges per day equal to 3 + the arc shocker's Intelligence modifier. The feat Extra Bombs instead adds additional charge to the arc shocker's gauntlets. To restore charges, the arc shocker must take 10 minutes each day to power up the gauntlets, which can only be activated by the arc shocker who built them. Any attacks made with the gauntlets while they have 1 or more charge left deals an additional 1d6 electricity damage, which stacks with any other electricity damage dealt.

If one of the gauntlets isn't worn, then her electromagnetic field, power outlet and static field class feature cease to function. She also has a 20% failure chance when using electromagnetic surge and electromagnetic force. If one of her gauntlets is broken, if she fails to activate either abilities she takes 1d6 electricity damage per 2 class levels. If both gauntlets have the broken condition the failure chance increases to 50%.

Electrostatic Surge (Su): As a standard action, the arc shocker may spend 1 charge from her gauntlets to fire an arc of electricity. She makes a ranged touch attack with a range of 60 ft., dealing 1d6 + her Intelligence modifier in electricity damage. The damage of an arc shocker's electrostatic surge increases by 1d6 points at every odd-numbered alchemist level (this bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit or by using feats such as Vital Strike). The arc shocker may deal non-lethal damage with her electrostatic surge with no penalties. The arc shocker gains a +2 bonus on attack roll with her electrostatic surge against a creature made mostly of metal or wearing metal armor. This is considered to be a two-handed projectile weapon, and requires both of the arc shocker's hands to be free.

This ability replaces the bomb class feature.

Electromagnetic Field (Su): While wearing both of her charge gauntlets, the arc shocker is capable of generating a strong electromagnetic field. This grants her a +1 deflection bonus to AC. This bonus increases by +1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter. Furthermore, the arc shocker benefits from the Deflect Arrow feat, but only against metallic projectiles.

This ability replaces mutagen.

Scientific Pugilism (Ex): A 1st level arc shocker gains the Improved Unarmed Strike feat as a bonus feat. Additionally the damage she deals with gauntlets increase to that of a warpriest sacred weapon damage, as an warpriest of her alchemist level.

This ability replaces throw anything.

Electromagnetic Force (Su): A 2nd level arc shocker is capable of finely tuning her electromagnetic field. This grants her the Basic Telekinesis wild talent, but only for metallic objects. She is treated as having the extended range wild talent for this ability. At 5th level she is treated as having the Telekinetic Haul wild talent. She may spend a charge from her gauntlet instead of accepting burn to activate it. At 8th level she is treated as having the extreme range wild talent for her basic telekinesis.

This ability replaces poison resistance.

Power Outlet (Su): At 2nd level, the arc shocker may use her gauntlet to power small appliances without limit. Starting at 6th level, she may expend a charge from her gauntlets to power technological items. She may even use her gauntlets to power a battery but cannot use charges from a battery to power her gauntlets.

This ability replaces poison use and swift poisoning.

Static Field (Su): At 14th level, an arc shocker generates a dangerous static field around herself. Any foe who strikes her with a non-reach metallic weapon takes electricity damage equal to the arc shocker's Intelligence modifier. The arc shocker may deal this damage as non-lethal damage at her choice.

Arc Shocker Discoveries: In lieu of being able to take discoveries which affect her bomb and mutagen, the arc shocker has access to unique discoveries. She may only apply a single discovery marked with an * to her electrostatic surge at any given time when she uses the ability. The DC of any save granted by an arc shocker's discovery are the following (10 + ½ arc shocker level + her Intelligence modifier).

Absorb Current (Su): Upon selecting this discovery, as long as the arc shocker is wearing both of intact powered gauntlets and is not denied her Dexterity to AC, she gains electricity resistance 10. Once per day, after she has negated at least 20 electricity damage with this ability within the last 24 hours, she gains an additional charge to her gauntlet. This extra charge must be spent before she next recharges her gauntlet or be wasted. She may select this discovery up to three times, the second time increasing her electricity resistance to 15 and allowing her to charge her gauntlet twice per day (threshold being 20 and 50 electricity damage negated). The third time she becomes immune to electricity damage and may use the recharge functions three times per day (20, 50 and 100 electricity damage negated).

Chain Arc* (Su): An electrostatic surge modified by this discovery jumps to a number of secondary targets equal to the arc shocker's Intelligence modifier after the initial discharge. The secondary shock requires a ranged touch attack, and deals 1d6 damage per 5 levels + the arc shocker's Intelligence modifier. Each secondary target must be within 15 feet of the last target, and a creature cannot be targeted by the same chain arc twice. The arc shocker must be at least 8th level to select this discovery.

Critical Shock (Su): Upon selecting this discovery, the arc shocker's electromagnetic surge critical threat changes to 19-20/×2.

Electromagnetic Sling (Su): The arc shockers may fire a small or smaller metallic object with electromagnetic force. Doing so allows her to make a ranged attack with a range of 60 feet, dealing 1d8 damage + her Intelligence modifier in physical damage (bludgeoning, piercing or slashing, based on the object) with a 19-20/×2 critical hit modifier. This is considered to be a two-handed projectile weapon, and requires both of the arc shocker's hands to be free. This attack counts as magical for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction, and any material property of the object. The arc shocker must be at least 4th level to select this discovery.

Electrostatic Bolt* (Su): An electrostatic surge modified by this discovery behaves as the lightning bolt spell, except it deals electrostatic shock damage. The arc shocker must be at least 8th level to select this discovery.

Powerful Shock* (Su): An electrostatic surge modified by this discovery has its damage dice increased to d8s. A creature damaged by an electrostatic shock modified by this discovery must make a Fortitude save or be staggered for 1 round. On a confirmed critical hit, the target is instead staggered for 1d4 rounds. The arc shocker must be at least 6th level to select this discovery.

Stun Volt* (Su): An electrostatic surge modified by this discovery is delivered as a touch attack rather than a ranged touch attack. It behaves as per the powerful shock discovery, except that a target who fail it Fortitude save is also dazed and stunned for 1 round. The arc shocker must be at least 8th level and have the powerful shock discovery to select this discovery.

Superconductor (Su): Upon selecting this discovery, the arc shocker's electrostatic surge ignores electricity resistance and is halved rather than negated by electricity immunity.