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Started watching Avatar: the Last Airbender -- preliminary thoughts on a conversion (about 14 episodes in, pardon my ignorance).
- Monk chassis.
- Everyone has an attack action option that employs their element. The attacks made with this basic bend would do damage in accordance with the monk/bender's unarmed strike damage.
- Every time unarmed damage changes (level 4 and every four afterward) the bender gains an additional 5' of reach when using this attack option.
- If another bender is targeted with this attack option they can make an attack of opportunity against the opponent's roll. If the attack of opportunity is greater than the original attack roll the opponent's attack is blocked or deflected harmlessly.
- Air benders can deal slashing or bludgeoning damage.
- Earth benders require earth in the general vicinity (let's say close range) to use this ability. Bludgeoning or piercing.
- Fire benders deal fire damage with this ability. They can re-roll ones and deal +1 damage per die (justified in that it's fire damage).
- Water benders require water in the general vicinity (which they can supply, decanter of endless water ought to be staple -- in a setting specific campaign they can carry around just enough water and reuse it multiple times, same applies to earth benders) to use this ability. Bludgeoning or slashing.
- Benders can spontaneously cast any spell whose level is less than or equal to half their bender level that has a descriptor matching the element they master, as well as spells from the cleric domain sharing the same element, with a few exceptions. No bender can cast spells with the calling or summoning subschool. Water benders also have access to the [Cold] descriptor.
- Suggest Dexterity as the casting stat for everyone.
- Origin point of a spell can be anywhere within close range.
- Not wholly satisfied with the way I did this. I've toyed with the concept before and I like the versatility it offers, but I think it may be simpler to offer a list. Air gets hosed a bit for not having electricity, which it traditionally had in 3.5e.
- Benders cannot bend while prone, flat-footed, or balancing. Benders who are staggered or slowed (or otherwise limited to a single standard action) can only cast spells whose levels are 1/4 (or less) of their bender level.