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Template:3.5e Dismal Science Maneuver Breadcrumb
3rd Level Maneuvers
Maneuver |
Type |
Deflation |
Strike |
As a full round action you may make a single attack at a +4 bonus. You may use another standard action strike as part of this maneuver, but you may not combine it with inflation or hyperinflation.
Inelastic |
Stance |
While in this stance, once each round you may take 10 on any d20 roll, even if circumstances normally would not permit it.
Minsky Moment |
Boost |
You may voluntarily expend any number of your readied maneuvers. For each level of maneuver burned through this effect, you are healed your Int/Wis/Cha mod worth of hit points.
Recognition Lag |
Counter |
You gain Improved Mettle until the beginning of your next turn.
4th Level Maneuvers
Maneuver |
Type |
Antitrust Statute |
Strike |
If this attack hits, its targets is affected by a greater dispel magic effect with a caster level equal to your initiator level.
Fragmentation |
Counter |
Until the beginning of your next turn you take minimum damage per die from critical hits and precision damage (sneak attack, sudden strike, skirmish, etc).
Ostrich Strategy |
Counter |
After failing a save against a non-damaging effect, you may initiate this maneuver. You may postpone the effect of the failed save for 1d2 rounds (the end of your next turn, or the round after that).
5th Level Maneuvers
Maneuver |
Type |
Free Rider |
Counter |
Activate this counter when an boost is initiated or spell is cast within close range of your person. At the beginning of your next turn, you gain the benefits of that boost or spell, using your initiator level in place of the original initiator's/caster's for variable effects.
Glass Ceiling |
Counter |
All enemies have their initiative counts set to one below a chosen target's (target must be within close range). Opponents can act twice in a round if this is used carelessly.
Hyperinflation |
Strike |
As part of this strike you make three attacks as a standard action. Each attack roll suffers a -2 penalty.
6th Level Maneuvers
Maneuver |
Type |
Diminishing Returns to Scale |
Stance |
Each attack made against you after the first suffers a cumulative -2 penalty. This counter resets at the beginning of each of your turns.
Hyperdeflation |
Strike |
As a full round action you may make a single attack at a +8 bonus. You may use another standard action strike as part of this maneuver, but you may not combine it with inflation or hyperinflation.
Lemon Socialism |
Counter |
When an ally is reduced to zero hit points within close range, their hit points are set to one and they are then healed xd8+x hit points, where X is the target's ECL.
7th Level Maneuvers
Maneuver |
Type |
Energy Poverty |
Strike |
An opponent who is hit by this strike must make a save or be unable to initiate maneuvers or cast spells during their next turn, though this has no effect on ongoing effects. The opponent may save again against this effect at the beginning of each of their subsequent turns, each time with a cumulative +2 bonus.
Shoe Leather Cost |
Boost |
Each opponent you attack before the start of your next turn must save or be fatigued for 1d4 rounds. If you target an opponent with a full-attack action they must save or be exhausted for 1d4 rounds.
8th Level Maneuvers
Maneuver |
Type |
Ceteris Paribus |
Stance |
While in this stance you radiate a 10' antimagic shell, as per the spell.
Technology Shock |
Boost |
You gain an additional full round's worth of actions.
9th Level Maneuvers
Maneuver |
Type |
Sublime Bubble Collapse |
Strike |
An opponent struck by this attack must save or burn 10d6 levels of readied maneuvers. If the opponent cannot burn the full amount worth of maneuvers, it takes 1d6+1 damage per unburned level.