User:Johnnya4344/Uzarra (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Character Creation
Character Creation[edit]
Generally, as long as the characters aren't trying to make cow characters (because cows don't exist in Uzarra), anything goes as allowed by the DM. For starter groups, I like making things simple by having their Character be Godkin, or human with some special DM flavor that will be important later or something.
Ability Scores[edit]
I give players an array, because I think its easier. The array I usually run with is 18, 16, 16, 14, 12, 10. But as always, do what the DM tells you to.
The Uzarra setting is designed to be very polar with regard to good and evil. Generally, parties with both good and evil players will have a lot of internal conflict, and while this could be awesome for role playing veterans, generally does not work well with newer players. Neutral characters would fit in well with almost any party.