User:Ghostwheel/Broken Blade (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Author: Ghostwheel (talk)
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Broken Blade[edit]

That which has been broken cannot be completely mended. Reforging one's blade means reforging oneself, though if the blade becomes weaker or stronger... well, that is up to you.
—Jenna Windtaker, Half-elf Broken Blade

Becoming a Broken Blade[edit]

Entry Requirements
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Feats: Diehard, Iron Will, Weapon Focus
Special: Must have gone through a traumatic experience where either you or someone else broke the weapon you have Weapon Focus with, and must still possess said weapon.

Table: The Broken Blade

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Soul Edge, Reforging the Blade, Recall the Breaking
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Shatterblade, Unavoidable Vengeance
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Strength of Conviction, Tethered Blade
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Cry of the Broken
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Bound Blade
6th +6 +5 +2 +5 Undeniable Purpose
7th +7 +5 +2 +5
8th +8 +6 +2 +6
9th +9 +6 +3 +6
10th +10 +7 +3 +7 One With the Blade

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level.
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Broken Blade.

Soul Edge (Ex): At first level, the broken blade is just left with their sword, newly broken in their hands. They designate a single broken melee weapon for which they have Weapon Focus. This blade permanently deals one less damage whenever it is used to land a blow, even if it is recreated (such as if it is the mind blade of a soulknife), and is known as their Soul Edge. Soul Edges gain additional hardness equal to twice the broken blade's class level, and are unaffected by sunder attempts (though they can still be destroyed completely, such as with the Disintegrate spell).

Reforging the Blade (Su): While the blade is broken, its will lives on in the broken blade, and the broken blade learns how to reforge it for a time, but not as it was, no. Instead, the new blade is stronger, sharper, and better than the old one ever was. As a swift or move action, the broken blade may reforge their blade anew for three rounds and ending immediately if the weapon leaves their hand. During this time, the broken blade gains a phantom-like extension similar to its old appearance, yet larger and sharper, which gives the broken blade an additional 5' of reach when making attacks with their weapon, as well as granting the broken blade the Shielded in Life feat, though only Wisdom or Charisma may be chosen.

Furthermore, whenever the broken blade successfully hits worthy foe (a creature that has 4 less HD than the broken blade or half the broken blade's HD, whichever is lower) with their Soul Edge, they gain one Reforged Point. The broken blade's Soul Edge deals an additional 1d6 damage for each Reforged Point that they currently possess. The broken blades starts with a Reforged Point upon reaching level two, and every even level afterwards All Reforged Points disappear as soon as this ability ends.

Once the blade dissipates, the broken blade must reinfuse the Soul Edge with their essence as a swift action before being able to activate Reforging the Blade once more. One cannot reinfuse the Soul Edge while the blade is active, nor in the same round, or one round after this ability ended.

Recall the Breaking (Ex): Still fresh in their mind, the broken blade remembers the breaking and reforging, and at first level may designate a new Soul Edge should his old one be lost or completely broken. In order to designate a new Soul Edge, the broken blade must meditate upon a new melee weapon for which he possesses Weapon Focus for an hour, at the end of which he breaks the blade symbolically (taking the usual penalty to damage, as per Soul Edge above).

Shatterblade (Su): The soul edge gains power from its wielder, and the broken blade learns how to release that power in a burst of slicing energy. As a swift action before making an attack (which can be used even between attacks on a full attack), the broken blade can cause their blade to shatter, cutting their opponents to ribbons. On a successful hit, their target takes +2d6 additional damage for every Reforged Point the broken blade currently possesses, and for every turn that Reforging the Blade would still be active they gain an additional reforged point (so three on the first turn, two on the second, one on the third). The hit does not generate an additional Reforged Point for the purpose of this ability. Missing still causes the blade to bleed some energy, causing the broken blade to lose one Reforged Point.

Unavoidable Vengeance (Ex): The broken blade was broken once, just as their blade was. From this their vengeance arose, either against the foes who broke them, or at their own inability to accomplish that which they attempted. This sense of vengeance follows them around almost like an aura, palpable and heavy with killing intent. Upon gaining second level, whenever Reforging the Blade is active, the Broken Blade immediately knows what square any creatures are in within its reach and their miss chance when using their Soul Edge is reduced during this time is reduced by 10%. This amount increases by 10% at each subsequent level (20% at level 3, 30% at level 4, and so on).

Strength of Conviction (Ex): The breaking brought agony and the broken blade searches for redemption for vengeance. This is mirrored within the Soul Edge, which can act as a buffer against those who would stop the broken blade from fulfilling their driving goal. As a move action while Reforging the Blade is active, the broken blade may call upon its help to act as a shield by spending one Reforged Point. Upon doing this, they gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice their HD, which last until Reforging the Blade ends. Using this ability again resets the number of points rather than stacking them.

Tethered Blade (Su): The Soul Edge and broken blade grow closer, each one supporting the other through their grief and subsequent searches to atone or avenge what happened. This connection brings them closer together, until the broken blade may call upon the Soul Edge, even from a distance. Upon gaining third level, the broken blade may summon their Soul Edge to their hands as a move action at will from up to a Long range (effective CL equal to class level). This becomes a swift action at fifth level. Furthermore, the connection between the two is harder to break. Should the broken blade enter an anti-magic field, they may make a Concentration check (DC equal to caster level) as a swift action at the beginning of their turn to activate Reforging the Blade, or maintain the ability (if it is already active).

Cry of the Broken (Ex): Two slowly become one, the Soul Edge and broken blade mirroring each other. As the Soul Edge understands the agony of the breaking, it forms a minor semblance of sentience, mirroring the pain of the broken blade. This allows the broken blade to tap into their Soul Edge to let out a scream that shakes their opponents, wrapping them in bands of power and causing them to be unable to act for a time. At 5th level as a standard action, the broken blade can spend a number of Reforged Points while Reforging the Blade is active to cause all creatures who wish him hard to lose actions. While they can ignore allies, they cannot target individual foes with this ability and for every additional creature beyond the first affected they must spend an additional Reforged Point (as per the table below). Creatures affected by this ability must make a Will save (DC 10 + broken blade's level + their Charisma or Wisdom modifier) or lose the aforementioned actions.

Cry of the Broken Class Feature
Action Lost Reforged Points Expended*
Move 1
Standard 2
Full-round 3

*One extra Reforged Point per additional individual beyond the first.

For example, if three enemies are within reach and the broken blade wishes to deny both their standard actions, they must spend 4 Reforged Points, two for the ability and an additional two for the additional creatures within reach.

Bound Blade (Su): As they grow closer, more of the broken blade's essence infuses their Soul Edge, infusing it with a semblance of life. The Soul Edge becomes intelligent, following the rules here. The Soul Edge knows the same languages as the broken blade, is the same alignment as the broken blade, has the same mental ability scores, and its purpose is to assist, help, and protect the broken blade in any way possible, as well as furthering their goals (especially those of vengeance or atonement which caused the breaking). The only power which the Soul Edge possesses is the ability to summon the broken blade to it (as though the broken blade had cast Dimension Door to it) once per round.

Undeniable Purpose (Su): When the broken blade reaches level 6, the Soul Edge gains the ability to communicate telepathically up to 100' with the broken blade. Furthermore, while within 5' of the broken blade, the Soul Edge may remind them of their purpose in a way so deep that few can understand their bond. When within this range, the soul edge may once per round allow the broken blade to attempt a free Will save against a single detrimental Mind-Affecting effect affecting them.

One With the Blade (Ex): Despite having been broken and reforged countless times, the Soul Edge was never completely shattered, and it lends the strength of its pain and healing to its wielder who becomes almost part of the blade itself. Upon reaching the last level of this class, the broken blade cannot die due to damage or a negative effect (though effects that would kill the broken blade bring their HP to -10 or lower it by 50, whichever results in a lower total) while their Reforging the Blade ability is active. While they are below 1 HP and Reforging the Blade is active, they may fight at full strength (taking full-round actions without any penalty) and gain Fast Healing equal to the number of HD they possess.

Furthermore, should they die while their blade has not been completely destroyed or shattered, they disappear in a flash of light reforming fully healed and restored after 24 hours adjacent to their blade. Using an ability that brings back the dead upon the sword affects the broken blade as though it had been cast on him. Shattering the blade or completely destroying it results in the broken blade's permanent death, their corpse appearing where the blade was right before its destruction.

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