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Durante Espada (Human Tome Fighter 7)
Size/Type: Medium Humanoid (Human)
Hit Dice: 7d12+49 (100 (plus 7 temp/rnd) hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft
Armor Class: 26 (+10 armor, +1 deflection, +2 dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 23
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+12
Attack: +2 Keen Adamantine Jovar +14 melee (2d6+17, 18-20/x2)
Full Attack: +2 Keen Adamantine Jovar +14/+9 melee (2d6+17, 18-20/x2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Exceptional Aim
Special Qualities: Blood Rally, Immunities, Regeneration 1 (Acid/Fire), Resist Fire 7
Saves: Fort +12(14), Ref +7(9), Will +8(10)
Abilities: Str 19(21), Dex 14, Con 16(18), Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills: Balance (10) +15, Bluff (10) +9, Craft Metalwork (10) +10, Diplomacy (10) +9, Forgery (10) +10, Gather Info (10) +9, Heal (10) +11, Jump (10) +15, Know Arcana (10) +10, Know Religion (10) +10, Know The Planes (10) +10, Listen (10) +11, Open Lock (10) +12, Perform Acting (10) +9, Ride (10) +12, Sense Motive (10) +11, Sleight of Hand (10) +12, Spellcraft (10) +10, Spot (10) +11, Swim (10) +15, Tumble (10) +12, UMD (10) +9
Feats: Extreme Training (T1), Troll Blooded (human), Forced Regeneration (2), Buster Weapon (bonus2), Wanderer (T3), Horde Breaker (4), Tome Great Fortitude (bonus4), Exceptional Aim (5), Invincible Stance (T6), Whirlwind (bonus6), Blood Rally (7)
Environment: Any
Organization: Any
Challenge Rating:
Treasure: None
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Level Adjustment:

Huh, that's a new way to die.

I am a swordsman who discovered that he just wouldn't die. Now he seeks challenges from the world.

Languages: Common.

Special Attacks[edit]

Buster Weapon: +0: You add x2 Str mod to damage with two handed weapons instead of x1.5. +1: You have the Edge on anyone wielding a smaller weapon than you. (Going by the weapon size rule in Tome.) +6: You may elect to bull rush or trip any opponent you hit in melee with a two handed weapon as a free action. If you used power attack on the attack you may add the penalty you took to hit as a bonus on your check. When using this feat to bull rush, you do not have to move with your target. +11: Opponents hit by more than one attack from you with a single weapon during your turn must make a Fortitude save or be staggered for one round. +16: Any weapon you use two handed gains the Vorpal major quality in addition to whatever other qualities it has.

Exceptional Aim: Once per encounter you may as a swift action grant yourself a +20 insight bonus on attack roll on your next attack. This bonus last for 1 round or until expended, whichever come first. You may refresh this ability by spending a move action to refocus yourself.

Horde Breaker: +0: You gain a number of extra attacks of opportunity each round equal to your Dexterity Bonus (if positive). +1: Whenever you drop an opponent with a melee attack, you are entitled to a bonus "cleave" attack against another opponent you threaten. You may not take a 5' step or otherwise move before taking this bonus attack. This Cleave attack is considered an attack of opportunity. +6: You may take a bonus 5' step every time you are entitled to a Cleave attack, which you may take either before or after the attack. +11: You may generate an fear aura in a 10' radius centered on yourself whenever you reduce an opponent to 0 or fewer hit points in melee. The save DC is 10 + the Hit Dice of the dropped creature. This otherwise functions as a fear spell with a caster level equal to the hit dice of the creature used to trigger it. +16: Opponents you have the Edge against provoke an attack of opportunity from you by moving into your threatened area or attacking you.

Whirlwind: +0: As a full round action, you may make a single attack against each opponent you can reach. Roll one attack roll and compare to each available opponent's AC individually. +1: You gain a +3 bonus to Balance checks. +6: As a full round action, you may take a regular move action and make a single attack against each opponent you can reach at any point during your movement. Roll one attack roll and compare to each available opponent's AC individually. +11: Until your next round after making a whirlwind attack, you may take an attack of opportunity against any opponent that enters your threatened area. +16: As a full round action, you take a charge action, overrunning any creature in your path, and may make a single attack against each opponent you can reach at any point during your movement. Roll one attack roll and compare to each available opponent's AC individually.

Special Qualities[edit]

Blood Rally: You recover up to 5 points of damage for each successful hit you make with a melee weapon (or the damage done, whichever is smaller), but it can only recover up to an amount of damage you took up to 1 round ago.

Body Therapy: You body is full of scars and marks from the intense body training you received. You gain an two additional hit points per hit dice and you gain one third of your level in as enhancement bonus to your natural armor (if you do not have a natural armor you count as having a natural armor of +0). This count as Toughness for the purpose of prerequisites.

Forced Regeneration: As a full-round action you can force your regeneration into overdrive, healing 1d6 hit points per HD instead of the normal amount. At your option you may sacrifice 10 hit points healed through this feat and instead immediately regrow a single limb, this can be done multiple time assuming the healing is sufficient.

Immunities: Fatigue. Exhaustion becomes fatigue.

Tome Great Fortitude: +0: You gain a +3 bonus to your Fortitude Saves. +1: You die at -20 instead of -10. +6: You gain 1 hit point per level. +11: You gain DR of 5/-. +16: You are immune to the fatigued and exhausted conditions. If you are already immune to these conditions, you gain 1 hit point per level for each condition you were already immune to.

Troll Blooded: You gain regeneration 1 as an extraordinary ability. Fire and acid deal normal damage to you. If you lose a limb or a body part, the lost portion regrows in 3d6 days. You can reattach the severed member as a full round action by holding it to the stump. You are fatigued while exposed to sunlight.

Wanderer: 1 HD: You only needs half as much food, water, and sleep compared to your race to survive. 3 HD: You are immune to fatigue, and anything that would cause you to become exhausted makes you fatigued instead. 8 HD: You become immune to disease and poison. You also gain a +4 enhancement bonus on fortitude save against spells and spell-like abilities. 15 HD: You gain fast healing 3. If you already had fast healing, your fast healing increases by 3.

Willpower Conditioning: You gain a +2 bonus on Will saving throws. Once per day you may automatically succeed on a Will save as if you rolled a Natural 20, this is done after the roll is made and after you know the result. This count as Iron Will for the purpose of prerequisites.




Allows 6 Lesser, 0 Medium, and 0 Greater Items. I can attune 8. WBL 8000g.

Wishlist: Keen Adamantine Jovar, Fire Energy Resist Adamantine Breastplate (AC 8, Max Dex 3, ACP -6, DR 7/adamantine, Resist Fire 7), Boots of Wall Walking, Cloak of Feather Falling, Blue Tearstone Ring, Ring of Blades (+5).

Also for mundane items: A hookshot.


Alternative Item Bonus Progression is basically Scaling Benefits. At 7th: +2 Str/+2 Con, +2 resistance, +2 weapon enhance, +2 armor enhance, +2 shield enhance, +1 natural enhance, +1 deflection.

Feats are gained every level, but 1, 3, 6, etc are "tome" feats.

No racial ability modifiers? Irrelevent. Base stats 18-14-16-10-12-8

Apparently ignoring pre-reqs except level pre-reqs? I suppose this means skill/BAB.

Extreme Training: Body Therapy, Willpower Conditioning.

Get Master of Maneuvers as a tome feat.

Looks like my speed is only reduced in heavier armors if the ACP is greater than my BAB? Seek Trollhide later.


  • Ready for review, I need to fix how items go and add weapon stats above, but everything is now functional.
  • Building...

Mid-Game Notes[edit]
