User:BackHandOfFate/Kurin, Shinobi 7

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Kurin, Shinobi 7[edit]

Current XP / Next Level: ??? / ???

Alignment: True Neutral

Size/Type: Small Humanoid(Strongheart Halfling)

Hit Dice: 7d6+12(56 hp)

Initiative: +6

Speed: 35ft. (7 squares)

Armor Class: 29 (10 base + 6 dex + 7 armor + 4 wis +1 size, +1 shield) touch 21, flat-footed 22

Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+1

Attack 1: Unarmed Strike +16 (1d8+12, x2, 10ft reach)

Attack 2:

Attack 3:

Space/Reach: 5ft./ 5ft.(10ft w/unarmed strike)

Special Attacks: Unarmed Strike, Death Attack(DC 17),

Sneakattack 3d6(+1d6 w/unarmed strike, +1d6 when unseen)

Special Qualities: Darkstalker, Evasion, Qinggong, Poison Use, Uncanny Dodge, Ku-rin Seals, Ki-Pool(8)

Abilities: Str 10, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 14

Saves: Fort +6, Ref +13, Will +11(+2 vs Fear)

Skills: Use 'Skill +X (ranks)' notation, plz

Acrobatics +18(10)(+2 Skilltool), Athletics +14(10)(+2 Racial), Bluff +16(10)(+2 Skilltool), Cultures +14(10)(+2 Skilltool), Devices +16(10)(+2 Skilltool), Endurance +14(10)(+2 Skilltool), Legerdemain +18(10)(+2 Skilltool), Perception +16(10)(+2 Skilltool), Psychology +16(10)(+2 Skilltool), Stealth +18(10)(+2 Racial)

Feats: Earth Diver(Racial), Unseen Assailant(1st), Improved Weapon Finesse(3rd), Weapon Focus(Shinobi Weapons)(5th), Disembowling Strike(7th), Weapon Finesse(Tome)(Shinobi 1), Unarmed Fighting Style(Viper)(Shinobi 1), Darkstalker(Shinobi 6)


Mithril Chain Shirt - 1200gp

Masterwork Shield Bands - 200gp

Masterwork Skilltools(Acrobatics, Bluff, Cultures, Devices, Endurance, Legerdemain, Perception, Psychology) - 400gp

Handy Haversack - 2000gp

Dire Ape Claws(Unarmed Strikes deal Slashing damage) - 1000gp

DarkPlatinum Shuriken(1)(With Returning Property) - 6001gp

Adamantine Shuriken(5) - 301gp

ColdIron Shuriken(5) - 31gp

Silvered Shuriken(5) - 41gp

8,826gp left

Tome Magic Items: 5+level (12) 1 moderate.

Moderate: Slashing(On Dire Ape Claws) Minor: Speed(+15 movement speed), Sustenance(No food/drink, Sleep for 2 hours), Ring of the Darkhidden(Invisible to Darkvision), Wall Walking(Walk on walls!), Ghost Touch Nunchaku, Goggles of Ebon Eyes, Natural(Summon Nature's Ally. Animal is CR-2), Missile Shield, Thicket of Blades(Stance), Thousand Swords Bulwark(Stance), Returning Shuriken