Unseen Shackles (3.5e Martial Discipline)/Gargantua's Embrace (3.5e Maneuver)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 23rd August 2019
Status: Finished
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Gargantua's Embrace
Unseen Shackles Excluded (Strike)
Level: 9
Prerequisite: Five Unseen Shackles maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 round
Range: Medium
Area: 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text)

There are some shackles which hold all of us, our planets, our star, our universe. Such shackles are beyond our understanding.

You summon the astronomical strength of a distant supermassive black hole, for a mere moment, onto the battlefield. This cause the area of the maneuver to be utterly bent and warped, space and time itself being pulled apart. All creatures and effects start floating as if they were under no gravity, then they appears to freeze in time. Any spell or ability which enter the area also appears to freeze in time before fading. Any spell or effect not on a creature with a duration not instantaneous or permanent within the area vanish as if it duration had run out.

To the creature inside the area, the outside begin to redshift and blueshift and start twisting until it cannot be recognized, they are unable to act in any way but perceive multiple minutes worth of time. It is impossible for them to interact with the outside world, or the outside world to interact with them. Any effect or spell on them do not elapse in duration while in this zone of warped time.

Once the duration end, all creatures are brutally smashed against the ground with the gravitational strength of the black hole. This deal 1d8 damage per initiator level and leave the affected creatures prone. Additionally the experience leave them Dazed and Stunned for 1 round and nauseated for 3 rounds, a successful Fortitude save render then Staggered for 1 round instead.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4444 Articles)
Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorLeziad +
DisciplineUnseen Shackles Excluded +
Identifier3.5e Maneuver +
Level9 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou summon the power of a supermassive black hole to suspend your foes in the air and in time, before brutally smashing them against the ground. +
TitleGargantua's Embrace +
TypeStrike +