Tyra Blade (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 7-11-18
Status: Complete
Editing: Mechanical changes on Talk
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Tyra Blade
Price: 32,330 GP
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 12th
Aura: Strong Enchantment and Transmutation
Activation: See Text
Weight: 4 lbs

This polished flexible steel blade is inset into a bone hilt with what seems to be a stylized dinosaur skull for a crossguard. Runes in ancient draconic line the blood groove: "I am Tyra, born in conflict, raised in battle, died in glory! Follow my bloody steps to victory!"

This +1 intelligent jian has a flexible steel blade with rusty red runes upon its otherwise polished silver blade, and a bone hilt with stylized red-brown scales and the appearance of some manner of predatory dinosaur skull for a crossguard. It was said to have been forged from the soul of a powerful reptilian warrior from the distant past who, through some trick of time, ended up fighting his final battle within the modern world defending a fortress of his lord. It is said he loved to fight simply for the sake of fighting, and when the world no longer needed his blade he went into self imposed petrification for the day he could once again fight anew.

What is known is that this weapon is intelligent, imbued by a spirit who refers itself as Tyra. And like the legend the weapon seems to desire a good fight, always wanting to be the one who is drawn to face others down. It often finds itself in the hands of adventurers, and seems to care little for the reasons of battle. It does however prefer some sense of honor and will reject a user who slaughters those who have surrendered, those who refuse or cannot fight back, or even sometimes those who have fought so well it would be a shame to kill them now and end it.

The weapon has the following abilities which it grants to its user.

Challenge (Ex): As a swift action, the wielder can challenge one creature who can see and hear them. If the target accepts the challenge the wielder and the target both gain +4 circumstance bonus to attack each other. However if either of them attacks a different creature, they lose that bonus to attack for that round. The challenge remains until either wielder or target drops, one of them flees, or the encounter ends. This is not particularly a language dependent ability as you can pantomime your intent, but the opposing creature must understand it to be a challenge and thus it does not normally function against creatures with Int 2 or lower.
Forged in Blood (Su): Whenever you become injured while in combat with this weapon, you can dip the weapon in your own blood as a move action and gain any +1 weapon enhancement, or up to +2 once you have 8 HD or greater. This enhancement lasts 24 hours, and this ability may be used 1/day. It only functions while in combat, not merely from injury.
Violent Vigor (Su): Every successful attack you make against a creature with this weapon heals you 1 hp of damage.

In addition if one perishes while wielding this weapon and you have 8 HD or greater, they can instead choose to fall into a state akin to the Bergentrückung feat, but petrified instead of stopped in time (and thus still vulnerable to damage). Instead of raise dead, stone to flesh heals you 1 hp per HD, and brings you back once you reach 1 hp.

If you act in a way which Tyra thinks is unworthy, it can disable its Forged in Blood and Violent Vigor abilities as a free action. Rumors persist that this is actually one of many weapons imbued with the will of Tyra, each one of the ancient warrior's weapons they used in life, but it disputes the rumors of its soul-forged birth.

Prerequisites: N/A.
Cost to Create: Unique item, cannot be created.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5639 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Body SlotHeld +
Cost32,330 GP +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA dark blade which can consume the rage of it user. +
TitleTyra Blade +