Trollebeiskr (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 2-20-20
Status: 光復香港,時代革命
Editing: Mechanical changes on Talk
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Trollebeiskr is a slightly yellowish gray metal that is alloyed with iron to reinforce it. When polished to an edge it becomes shiner and brighter, to the point where the edge seems to glow with a pale yellowish light. Trollebeiskr is bane to all regenerating things, dampening or negating fast healing and regeneration of those it hurts, repelling trolls, and invoking a curse upon those you fell. It is a favorite for troll hunters or hydra slayers.

Trollebeiskr weapons suppress fast healing and regeneration by 3 points, plus +1 additional point per flat enhancement bonus. It counts as the damage type to bypass regeneration, dealing lethal damage. Multiple attacks overlap, they do not stack. If the creature receives healing from a non-fast healing or regeneration source before the start of their turn, the effect of this material is negated. If a creature with fast healing or regeneration is brought to 0 hp or less by a trollebeiskr weapon, you can choose to petrify them instead of kill them as if using flesh to stone. Shields count as weapons.

Trollebeiskr has less use as armor, functioning mostly as iron, and the user cannot benefit from fast healing or regeneration as if they were affected by a weapon with no enhancement (reducing it by 3). The main "benefit" is that if you are brought to 0 hp or less and you have fast healing or regeneration you can choose to petrify yourself instead of possibly dying. You can also undo this petrification by removing the trollebeiskr armor, though removal takes x10 as long as normal to remove (minimum 1 minute). You are left at 0 hp and stable.

Trollebeiskr can be made into a holy symbol, in which case the symbol can be presented to creatures with fast healing or regeneration and it will repel them, making them At Bay and allowing you to make Intimidate checks against them out to line of sight.

Trollebeiskr needs special preparation, so all weapons and armor made from it are always of masterwork quality; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below. Thus, trollebeiskr weapons and ammunition have a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls.

Trollebeiskr has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10. It quarters acid and fire damage and half damage from all other sources.

Type of Trollebeiskr Item Item Cost Modifier
Ammunition +30 gp
Armor +1500 gp
Weapon +1500 gp
Holy Symbol 15 gp

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AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryTrollebeiskr is bane to all regenerating things, dampening or negating fast healing and regeneration of those it hurts, repelling trolls, and invoking a curse upon those you fell. +
TitleTrollebeiskr +