Toxic (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 30th January 2015
Status: Finished
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A toxic weapon deal bonus damage but is nefarious for you. A toxic weapon deal an additional 2d6 poison damage to any creature it strike, creatures immune to poison are immune to poison damage. A creature wielding a toxic weapon is sickened for as long as they wield it and 1 minute thereafter, wielder immune to poison are not sickened.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Magical Arms and Armor, poison; Price: +1.

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewEquipmentWeapon Enhancements

Leziad's Homebrew (4445 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Cost+1 +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
Rated ByEiji-kun +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryA toxic weapon deal bonus damage but is nefarious for you. +
TitleToxic +