Tome Magic Items (3.5e Variant Rule)/Obtaining Magic Items

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Obtaining Magic Items[edit]

So how do you go about obtaining phat magic lewt in the first place? Well, there are several ways to ensure you have the latest in magical swag. You can go out and murder other sapient creatures and prize it from their cold, dead fingers, or as we call it "Adventuring". You can find people who have what you want and make them an offer they can't refuse. Or you can just cut out the middle man and make your own.


Perhaps the most common way to obtain magic items is as treasure. Having reviewed table 3-5 in the DMG I'm fairly happy with the percentages it throws out for magic items at each level, so you can basically use that to generate the treasure parcel for each encounter without too much modification required. In order to have some Wish Economy goods show up as treasure at higher levels, a simple rule is that if the Gems or Art Objects in a treasure would total 5,000 gp or more, replace them with Wish Economy goods of the same value. Of course, you can also simply dish out an amount of magic items or wealth per player each level according to the following chart if you don't want the hassle of all that rolling:

Level Lesser Medium Greater Wealth (gp) Wealth (Wish Economy)
1 0 0 0 0 gp 0
2 1 0 0 4,000 gp 0
3 2 0 0 8,000 gp 0
4 3 0 0 12,000 gp 0
5 4 0 0 16,000 gp 0
6 5 0 0 20,000 gp 0
7 6 0 0 24,000 gp 8,000 gp
8 7 1 0 28,000 gp 16,000 gp
9 8 1 0 32,000 gp 24,000 gp
10 10 2 0 40,000 gp 32,000 gp
11 2 0 40,000 gp
12 3 0 48,000 gp
13 3 0 56,000 gp
14 4 1 94,000 gp
15 5 2 140,000 gp
16 6 3 186,000 gp
17 7 4 232,000 gp
18 8 5 278,000 gp
19 9 6 324,000 gp
20 10 7 370,000 gp

Once you determine that a treasure parcel includes a magic item, you will need to generate it using the Random Magic Item tables below.

The Wish Economy[edit]

The high level economy revolves around trading items that can’t be obtained by magic alone, of which the most obvious are Medium and Greater magic items. As there is nothing resembling a currency in the Wish economy, every transaction is effectively a barter in which each character trades something they don’t want for something they do. This makes trading with magical items somewhat impractical, as there is no guarantee you have something the other party needs right now. Luckily however there are powerful magical materials that are found in exotic locations that are highly valued because their inherent power can be used to create powerful magic items or increase a being’s physical or mental abilities, and these function as commodities in the Wish Economy. As these materials cannot be created using magic alone, they are not usually traded for gold, which can. Although these items are given a gp equivalence value, this is only for reference when trading between each other. Some materials are simply given a weight value, and you can use or trade as much or as little as you like, whilst others have set forms and values. Concentration or Hope, for example, are priced by weight, and you could find 1,000 gp or 1,000,000 gp of either in a block or bottle, whilst an Astral Diamond is a single item and is always worth 10,000 gp in Wish Economy materials to an interested party.

Using Wish Economy Materials[edit]

Several of the items and materials detailed below list ways they can be used, distilled or rendered down to form other magical substances. Knowledge of the uses of a particular magical material requires either a DC 20 Knowledge – The Planes check, or any number of ranks in Craft – Alchemy. Failing these a Sage can provide the information for a fee, or the information can be obtained via spells such as Contact Other Plane or through questioning summoned extraplanar creatures. Distilling or rendering a material requires access to an Alchemists Laboratory and 8 hours of uninterrupted work.

Item Value
Elemental Gem 5,000 gp each
Astral Diamond 10,000 gp each
Planar Pearl 30,000 gp each
Soul CR2 x 100 gp each
Trade Good Value
Liquid Pain 200 gp/dose
Astral Diamond Dust 1,000 gp/pinch
Concentration 50,000 gp/pound
Hope 100,000 gp/liter
Raw Chaos 200,000 gp/?

Wish Economy Items[edit]

Astral Diamond[edit]

The Astral plane is a realm of pure thought and psychic energy, barren apart from the vast bodies of forgotten gods that float forever through the silvery void. These stone behemoths are used as anchors for communities of beings living in the Astral, and the Githyanki conduct mining operations to recover esoteric minerals from the fossilized bodies. The greatest prize they can find are Astral Diamonds. These perfectly formed magical diamonds are instantly recognizable due to their connection to the plane of dreams. When looking at one of these diamonds the facets seem to reflect not the scene around them, but the fondest dreams and memories of the viewer. This poorly understood connection to the Astral plane can be used by those willing to risk sanity for knowledge.

Uses of Astral Diamonds: By meditating for an hour whilst focusing on an Astral Diamond, a sentient being can receive enlightenment on any subject. Treat this as if the mediator had cast contact other plane - Astral with a caster level equal to their character level, with all the attendant risks. Attempting this regularly is even more hazardous - trying again (even with a different diamond) requires a DC 40 Will save (-1 per hour since you last tried) or you suffer insanity for 1d20 - Wis mod hours.

Astral Diamonds contain powerful magic and can be used to fulfill the base material cost of Medium and Greater items. These Diamonds, however, are tied to the magic of dreams and thought, and are unsuitable for binding the harsh and destructive magic used to enchant weapons. Astral Diamonds cannot be used as the base material for magical weapons.

Elemental Gems[edit]

Elemental gems are found mainly on the Elemental Planes, although great concentrations of magical elemental energy on the Prime can sometimes result in their spontaneous generation. They appear as a glowing crystal approximately the size of a fist infused with the element of their plane of origin. All Elemental gems shed light like a torch (except Negative Energy gems which radiate darkness) and most weigh 1 pound. Elemental gems hold concentrated elemental energy, and they are highly prized by denizens of the Planes. Any creature with the appropriate subtype can detect their presence (treat as if the creature had Scent with regards to the gem whenever they are within 30'). Elemental gems can be used to create powerful magical items by those skilled enough.

Uses of Elemental Gems: If a creature with the appropriate subtype comes into contact with an Elemental gem it absorbs the power inside, consuming the gem and leaving them fully healed and removing all fatigue or exhaustion. Creatures with the appropriate Elemental subtype feel an instinctual urge to absorb these gems, and if in a position to do so must make a Will save (DC 20) to suppress this urge for 10 minutes. This creates obvious difficulties in employing the creatures of the Planes to hunt for these gems.

Elemental gems can be used as the base material for Medium and Greater magic items. Each gem has restrictions on the items it can be used to make, which are given in the descriptions below.


Found in the heart of Volcanoes or magma vents, Fire gems constantly burn with intense heat, and set fire to flammable containers. They deal 1d6 fire damage per round to anything in contact with them.

Uses of Fire Gems: A Fire gem can be rendered down to form an incredibly hot infusion that can be drunk like a potion. Anyone drinking this infusion suffers 2dD6 Fire damage and gains a permanent +1 inherent bonus to Strength.

Fire Gems cannot be used as the base material for creating items that create or manipulate Water, including water breathing and walking.


Air gems take the form of clear, bright crystals that can sometimes be mistaken for diamonds. They crackle with electricity, and deal D6 Electricity damage per round to anyone holding them. Air gems have no weight.

Uses of Air Gems: An Air gem can be rendered down to form a light, frothy infusion that can be drunk like a potion. Anyone drinking this infusion gains a Fly speed (60’, Good) for 10 minutes and gains a permanent +1 inherent bonus to Dexterity.

Air gems cannot be used as the base material for creating items that create or manipulate Earth.


Earth gems appear to be formed from incredibly dense obsidian, and weigh twice as much as other Elemental gems. They have the peculiar property that their weight increases as they are taken further from the ground, making transporting them by air or sea incredibly difficult.

Uses of Earth Gems: An Earth gem can be rendered down to form a thick, gloopy broth that can be eaten like a soup. Anyone eating this mixture is purged of all poisons and diseases and gains a permanent +1 inherent bonus to Constitution.

Earth gems cannot be used as the base material for creating items that create or manipulate Air, or provide any kind of Fly speed.


Water gems appear as deep blue aquamarines that constantly drip salt water. Whilst grasped firmly in hand they allow any creature to breathe water as if they were a fish.

Uses of Water Gems: A Water gem can be slowly dissolved to form pure, clean sparkling water that can be drunk. Anyone drinking this water feels a spiritual connection to the mysterious deep oceans and gains a permanent +1 inherent bonus to Wisdom.

Water gems cannot be used as the base material for creating items that create or manipulate Fire.

Positive Energy[edit]

Positive energy gems glow with a gentle, pulsing light and are warm to the touch. They emit a rhythmic noise that soothes most living creatures and is reminiscent of a heartbeat. A positive energy gem deals 1d6 positive energy damage per round to creatures harmed by positive energy.

Uses of Positive Energy Gems: Positive Energy gems react with living beings as described in the summary above, and hold the same hypnotic spell over them. In addition, a Positive Energy gem can be dissolved to create an invigorating and refreshing drought. Any creature drinking this tonic counts as having absorbed the gem (taking 3d6 damage if Undead), and gains a permanent +1 Inherent bonus to Charisma as they gain an innate understanding of the needs and desires of others.

Positive Energy gems cannot be used as the base material for creating items that use Negative Energy or create Necromantic effects.

Negative Energy[edit]

The appearance of Negative Energy gems is difficult to determine, as they are shrouded in darkness and seem to draw the light from around them. Living creatures experience feelings of dread and anxiety when near them and the air around them seems cold. Any living being coming into contact with one suffers 1d6 Negative Energy damage per round.

Uses of Negative Energy Gems: Negative Energy gems react with Undead and similar creatures as described in the summary above, and hold the same hypnotic spell over them. In addition, a Negative Energy gem can be rendered down to create a vial of liquid Shadow. Any creature drinking this counts as having absorbed the gem (taking 3d6 damage if living) and gains a permanent +1 inherent bonus to Intelligence as their mind is opened to the secrets of the Shadow realm.

Negative Energy gems cannot be used as the base material for creating items that create any kind of healing effect, including fast healing, regeneration or Cure spells.

Planar Pearl[edit]

Planar Pearls are highly magical nacreous spheres formed on the Outer Planes in much the same way as regular pearls are formed in terrestrial shellfish. Sometimes a tiny particle of Non-reality will find it's way through a planar portal into one of the Outer Planes and manifest itself as a minute black speck that absorbs matter around it. If left unchecked these will eventually grow to become a Sphere of Annihilation, a terrible hole in the Multiverse that destroys all it touches, however thankfully most are turned into Planar Pearls before this can occur. As the speck absorbs the matter around it, it creates a kind of highly concentrated magical residue which adheres to it and eventually coats it. This accumulates until the entire particle has been coated in a highly magical substance that can be handled safely. By the time the Pearl has reached full size there is enough concentrated reality to neutralize the particle. The massive amount of magical energy created as reality and non-reality collide has the side effect of altering reality when released. For this reason Planar Pearls are highly prized, and many tales tell of quests to obtain one to undo some great calamity or return the life of a lost loved one. The highly magical energies contained within can also be used in the creation of powerful magical items, and as such Planar Pearls are also sought after by the most powerful beings in the Multiverse.

Uses of Planar Pearls: The holder of a Planar Pearl can release some of the magic in the Pearl as a standard action. This has the effect of a wish spell or true resurrection spell (both Caster level 20) with the result chosen by the holder. There is a 30% chance whenever this ability is used that the Pearl is consumed in the process.

Alternatively, by concentrating on the Pearl for 5 minutes the magical energies can be entirely absorbed by the holder. This provides a permanent +2 inherent bonus to any one Physical stat (Strength, Constitution or Dexterity.)

A Planar Pearl can be used as the base material for Medium and Greater magical items. Pearls are concentrated reality, and as such they can only create that which is real. Planar Pearls cannot be used as the base material for items that create Illusions.


The souls of powerful creatures are trapped in gems and the trade in them is brisk on the outer planes, especially in the planar metropolis of Finality on Acheron. Once a soul is in a gem, the gem itself is of little or no value, but the soul goes for 100 gp times the square of the CR of the creature whose soul is trapped. Souls can be used to create Wish Economy magic items, however the presence of a sentient spirit makes them somewhat troublesome to use. Only a single soul can be used in the creation of a magic item, and no other Wish Economy base materials can be used in creating a soul-forged item. This means that only souls of CR9 or higher creatures have any value in the Wish economy, and only those of CR13 or higher have any value to those wishing to create Greater items. In addition, trapping a creature's soul and denying it the chance to reap it's reward on the Outer Planes is a profoundly Evil act abhorred by most sentient beings. Being caught with Soul Gems is punishable by death in most civilized areas, so caution is paramount to the would-be soul trafficker.

Uses of Souls: Souls can be used as the base material for Medium and Greater magic items, however trapping a spirit in such a way as to tap into it's magical energy is not easy. It requires the integration of a complex and sturdy lattice-work into the item to function as both prison and energy siphon, which prohibits the use of a soul in the creation of consumables such as potions, dusts or scrolls. In addition, only a single soul can be used in the creation of a magic item, and no other Wish Economy base materials can be used in creating a soul-forged item.

Wish Economy Trade Goods[edit]

Astral Diamond Dust[edit]

Through powerful magic Astral Diamonds can be rendered down into a multicoloured powdered form. A diamond so rendered creates 10 pinches of this dust.

Uses of Astral Diamond Dust: Astral Diamond dust can be used as the base materials for Medium and Greater magic items. It is tied to the magic of dreams and thought, and is unsuitable for binding the harsh and destructive magic used to enchant weapons. Astral Diamond dust cannot be used as the base material for magical weapons.


Ideas take form on the outer planes, and really pernicious or stellar ideas can be so powerful that they take a while to form. In the before-time, they can be found as an amber-like substance that is extremely valued on Mechanus, and by extension every single other outer plane as well. Concentration is actually made out of ideas, and while it looks like a solid object it is actually a liquid that flows so slowly that you could watch it for a year and only a Modron could tell you have far the flow had taken it. A pound of concentration goes for 50,000 gp to an interested party, and can be used in magical crafting by those with the patience to learn its secrets. If Concentration is kept in close proximity to highly active minds (for example a University or Council chamber) over several days it forms a thick, sticky resin as the ideas within are brought closer to reality. Whilst in this form it can be burnt to release an unstoppable torrent of ideas and insights to those that inhale the fumes. Concentration in resin form can be distilled down to its essential essence, which can be used to permanently enhance a creature’s mental faculties.

Uses of Concentration: Smoking at least 1,000 gp worth of Concentration resin (approx. 1/3 ounce) forces a DC 20 Will Save. If the save is failed the user is Confused for 10 minutes as they are unable to process the thoughts streaming into their mind, however if the save is made then it instead provides a +5 Insight bonus to Int-based skill checks for the same period.

A full pound of Concentration (50,000 gp) can be distilled down to its essential essence. This complicated process requires 8 hours and access to an Alchemist's lab, however the resulting essence can be consumed by any sentient creature to provide a permanent +2 inherent bonus to any Mental stat (Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma.)

Concentration can be used as the base material for Medium and Greater magic items. Concentration is concentrated ideas, and as such it is not suited to magic relating to the physical world. Concentration cannot be used as the base material for items that directly create physical matter or that create physical forms of Energy (Such as Fire or Lightning).


Hope is funny stuff, it has lots of inertia, but those who carry it are not weighed down in the least. It has mass, but not weight. Even the smallest drop of Hope sheds light like a daylight spell (the effective spell level for this effect is 7, and Hope can overcome almost any darkness). Hope is somewhat like a light and frothy liquid in it's natural form, and is measured in liters rather than pounds. A liter of Hope goes for 100,000 gp to those who want it, and it can be used in magical crafting. Hope is extremely powerful, and can be distilled to create a concentrated form that is highly sought after due to its incredible magical power.

Uses of Hope: Drinking at least a 5,000 gp draught of Hope (approx 50 ml or a mouthful) provides a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks and immunity to Fear effects for 10 minutes.

A full liter of Hope (100,000 gp) can be distilled down to its essential essence. This complicated process requires 8 hours and access to an Alchemist's lab, however the resulting essence can be consumed by any sentient creature to provide a permanent +4 inherent bonus to any stat.

Hope is filled with the energy of goodness and life, and it can be used as the base material for creating any Medium or Greater magic item except those that deal Negative levels or create Death effects.

Liquid Pain[edit]

Liquid pain is created through the use of dark magics and takes the form of a thick black liquid also known as Agony. This requires the torture of a sentient creature over a period of 24 hours, whilst evil magic congeals the victims pain into an oily liquid that can be used in magical crafting. Creating and using Liquid Pain is an Evil act and it is not normally used by Good creatures.

Uses of Liquid Pain: Agony can be ingested to create a drug-like effect, Initial effect: Stunned 1d4 rounds, staggered 1d6 minutes, Secondary effect: 1d4+1 enhancement bonus to Cha for 1d10+50 minutes, Side effect: intense pleasure 1d4 hours (fluff), Overdose effect: If second dose taken within 24 hours, Fort DC 18 or fall unconscious for 1d4 hours.

Liquid Pain can be used as the base material for Medium and Greater magic items. The magic inherent in Agony is purely destructive. Any item created using it as a base material cannot protect the wearer from negative conditions or remove these, or provide an increase armor class.

Raw Chaos[edit]

The plane of Limbo is filled with possibility and change. Usually this manifests as a continuous creation and destruction that is awe inspiring and terrifying at the same time. Sometimes, for whatever reason this possibility doesn’t become anything, and just stays as Raw Chaos. Raw Chaos can have any dimensions and any amount of mass, but from a practical standpoint you either have it or you don’t. If you have Raw Chaos and someone else doesn’t you can give it to them, and it is generally considered good form for them to give you magical items or planar currency worth 200,000 gp in exchange. Raw Chaos can be transformed into magical items by those with the correct skills. It is highly unpredictable and dangerous, however it is seen by many as the ultimate source of power for those with the ability to control it.

Uses of Raw Chaos: Raw Chaos constantly radiates a magic circle against law effect, and any sane creature within the area of this effect must make a Will save at the start of their turn or become Confused for that round.

Raw Chaos can be absorbed by any living creature, although this is a highly dangerous endeavor. Any creature doing so must pass a DC 20 Fortitude Save to avoid permanently warping into a Chaos Beast, however if successful this provide the effects of a shapechange spell for 10 minutes and provides a permanent inherent bonus of +5 to any one stat.

Raw Chaos is pure change and contains all the possibilities of the Universe. It can be used as the base material for the creation of any magic item, and when used in such a manner there is a 75% chance that it is not consumed in the process.


A Note on Magic Marts[edit]

Magic marts. We all know that nobody really likes magic marts. There's nothing quite like a catalog shop stocking Wands of Wonder to take the Magic out of Magic items, even if it is sort of reasonable that a demand for magic items would be filled by some enterprising individual. But more than that, any shop with an inventory that includes items so valuable that they are worth more than the entire city around it quickly becomes laughable. When you add in that these items are highly sought after by the kind of people who think of a trip to Hell to wrestle some Pit Fiends as a decent afternoons work, the security and safety arrangements quickly become unmanageable. However, with the Wish economy in full swing it is actually perfectly reasonable for there to be shops stocking Lesser magical items. As higher level characters cease to care about low level items, a shop only has to worry about lower level threats, so security becomes less of a problem. As the price of Lesser items is capped, store inventory no longer outstrips that of most countries, which is nice. However, what you can't have is Medium or Greater items for sale in any kind of standard shop environment. They are coveted by beings that have access to divination and greater teleport, so any kind of security is only going to mean heists take longer to plan. This, then, means that Wish economy goods and items are only held by those with the power to keep them. Any transfer of Wish Economy items or Planar currency is a trade between two equals, and should contain a frisson of danger as both parties try to ascertain whether the other is sufficiently weak that the trade can be dispensed with in favor of a quick cloudkill or circle of death.

Buying and Selling[edit]

D&D is a game of adventure. This means that by necessity the focus will rarely be on a carefully crafted economic simulator, rather for most players town is a place where they can offload their ill-gotten gains and if possible get their hands on particular items they have failed to encounter during their travels. As such, these rules focus mainly on two areas, how quickly players can offload surplus goods, and how to determine what is available for them to buy.

When the players want to buy and sell items there are a few factors that influence the proceedings. The first is the size of the settlement, as shown on the table below.

Population1 Type2 Econ Mod3 Base Limit4 Purchase Limit5 Lesser6 Medium7 Greater8
20-80 Thorp -4 10 gp 10 gp - - -
81-500 Hamlet -2 50 gp 100 gp 1 - -
501-1,000 Village -1 100 gp 500 gp 1d4 - -
1,001-10,000 Small town 0 1,000 gp 5,000 gp 2d4 - -
10,001-25,000 Large town 0 2,000 gp 10,000 gp 3d4 - -
25,001-50,000 Small city +1 4,000 gp 20,000 gp * 1d4 -
50,001-100,000 Large city +2 8,000 gp 32,000 gp * 2d4 1
100,001+ Metropolis +4 12,000 gp 60,000 gp * 3d4 1d4
100,001+ Planar Metr. +6 20,000 gp 100,000 gp * * 2d4
  1. Population: The number of people living in the immediate community.
  2. Type: The classification of the settlement.
  3. Econ Mod: The Economic Modifier, applied to any d20 rolls related to obtaining items for sale.
  4. Base Limit: The maximum worth of item found in the settlement.
  5. Purchase Limit: The amount of disposable cash held by the merchants in a given settlement.
  6. Lesser: The number of Lesser Magic Items available for sale among the populous.
  7. Medium: The number of Medium Magic Items available for sale among the populous.
  8. Greater: The number of Greater Magic Items available for sale among the populous.

The second is the rarity of the item.

Rarity Item Roll
- Trade Goods -
- Simple Weapons -
- Light Armor -
- Adventuring Gear (10 gp or less) -
- Clothing -
- Food and Drink -
- Martial Weapons -
- Medium/Heavy Armor -
- Shields -
- Adventuring Gear (11-100 gp) -
- Special Substances -
- Mounts -
- Potions -
- Scrolls -
- Masterwork Common Items -
RARE - 11+
- Exotic Weapons -
- Exotic Material Armor -
- Adventuring Gear (100+ gp) -
- Any Magic Item -
- Masterwork Uncommon Item -

Each settlement has a Purchase Limit. This is the amount of ready currency the populace has available for buying the random crap the PCs want to offload. Once the players have sold items totaling this value it is assumed that no further sales may be made in the settlement until about a week has gone by, at which point the purchase limit refreshes. It is assumed that PC's offering items for sale at half their market value can find a buyer without hindrance, as there is always someone with an eye for a bargain. Should the PC's want more than this, they will have to find a specific buyer, which involves Gather Information and Diplomacy rolls, plus plenty of time. It is assumed that the purchase limit represents several interested parties, so selling multiple items is not usually an issue, however if the PCs try to sell more than half the purchase limit in one kind of item they can be assumed to have filled the immediate demand and must lower their price to 25% to sell any more. If the PCs want to sell items repeatedly over a period of time, such as Fabricated goods or a castle's worth of onyx, refer to the "setting up a business" rules in the Tomes. If the PCs wish to trade any Wish Economy items for Planar currency then this can only reliably be done at a Planar Metropolis. Treat each type of Planar Currency as a Medium item the characters are attempting to buy, with an availability roll made to see whether the particular flavor the characters require can be located.

Base Limit[edit]

The base limit shows the highest value items that you can find within the settlement. Any item that has a gp value equal to or below this limit may be available for sale, whilst any items above are not (expect for certain magic items, see below). Every item is assigned a rarity value, which determines how likely it is to be available for sale. The rarity for items is shown in the chart above. To determine whether a particular item below the base limit is available for sale in a given settlement, roll a d20 and apply the settlements Economic Modifier, and compare it to the availability roll. If your modified roll beats the number, the item is available for sale or can be made available within a day. If you roll under the item is not available or out of stock. Another check can be made in a week to see if the item has become available.

Magic Items[edit]

Each settlement also has a listed number of magic items. Where a number is given this shows the number of magic items held by the inhabitants that they are willing to trade (this is in addition to the items that fall under the Base Limit). A * indicates that these magic items fall below the settlements base limit, and you therefore make availability rolls as usual to determine whether a particular item is available for sale. For items above the base limit, the DM rolls secretly to see how many items are available in the settlement and then determines the items randomly using the appropriate random magic item table. It takes a DC 20 Gather Information check (modified by the settlements modifier as usual) and 1d4+1 hours to uncover each item for sale. This tells you the name of the current owner and a brief description of the item.

Trading Items[edit]

In general it can be assumed that PCs offering the market value of the item in fungible goods can complete a transaction without hindrance, however should the MC wish to roleplay the encounter, or should it become important due to player actions an individual selling a Lesser item is of CR 2+d6, those selling Medium items are CR8+d6 and those selling Greater items are CR14+d6. These individuals will also have friends and allies that may attempt to avenge their death or attempts to cheat them. If the party do not have currency of the appropriate value, they can offer items for trade. There is a base 10% chance that the seller takes a shine to a random item the PC's have for trade and will offer to trade on a 1-for-1 basis, otherwise the buyer will only accept 2 items of any kind in return for an item of the same level.

Amended Crafting Rules[edit]

To craft an item you must first gather together the base materials. These are appropriate goods with a value equal to half of the standard retail value of the item to be made. If the base materials are artificially more expensive to buy, then the cost of the materials will increase. If the finished item is artificially expensive to buy, then the material cost is based on the standard price, not the increased price. You cannot choose to make a Masterwork item, this occurs through high skill rolls, therefore the material cost is always based on a standard example of the item. Once these have been obtained then you can begin crafting. Each item has a Craft DC, representing how difficult it is to make, and a base Work Period, which represents the minimum time required to manufacture it. Once the crafter has been working for one Work Period they make a Craft check (you can take 10 on this check). The result is then compared to the Craft DC to see how long the item will take to craft. Masterwork or exotic items are created through making higher Craft checks.

Craft DC Chart
Item Craft Skill DC
Acid Alchemy 15
Alchemist's Fire, Smokestick, Tindertwig Alchemy 20
Antitoxin, Sunrod, Tanglefoot Bag, Thunderstone Alchemy 25
Armor or Shield Metalsmith 10 + AC
Longbow or Shortbow Bowmaking 12
Composite Longbow or Shortbow Bowmaking 15
Crossbow Metalsmith 15
Simple Melee/Thrown weapon Metalsmith 12
Martial Melee/Thrown weapon Metalsmith 15
Exotic Melee/Thrown weapon Metalsmith 18
Mechanical Trap Trapmaking Varies
Typical Item (e.g. Iron Pot) Varies 10
High Quality Item (e.g. Bell) Varies 15
Complex Item (e.g. Iron lock) Varies 20

Craft DC Modifiers:

  • Increase Work Period time to next category: -5 DC
  • Poor quality tools or work area: +5 DC
  • Unfamiliar item (never made before): +5 DC
  • Exotic material (e.g. Adamantine, Trollhide): +10 DC (item is automatically masterwork)

Base Work Periods:

  • 1 Hour
    • Alchemical items
    • Mundane typical item (bucket, rope, clothes, ladder)
    • Ammunition x 50
    • Melee or thrown weapon
    • Non-armor
  • 1 Day
    • Shield
    • Light or medium armor
    • Large, complex or intricate item (manacles, jewelry, lock, cart)
  • 1 Week
    • Heavy armor
    • Very large or highly complex item (spyglass, boat, small house)
  • 1 Month
    • Larger buildings

Check Result Completion Time
5 or more below the target DC No progress is made and half the materials have been ruined.
Up to 4 below the target DC No progress has been made. The crafter can roll again after another work period.
Equal to or up to 4 above the target DC The item will be completed in 5 more Work Periods.
5 above the target DC The item will be completed in 4 more Work Periods.
10 above the target DC The item can be Masterwork and will be completed in 5 more Work Periods, or will be completed in 2 more Work Periods.
15 above the target DC The item can be Masterwork and will be completed in 2 more Work Periods, or is completed immediately.
20 above the target DC The item is Masterwork and completed immediately.

Magic Item Creation[edit]

Crafting 101[edit]

Crafting ordinary items is handled using the system above and can be attempted by anyone with points in a Craft skill, however crafting Magical items requires a higher degree of mastery. Magical items cannot be created unless specified by a feat. Crafting feats specify what magic items a character can create, and how long these take. Additional rules for crafting Magical items are given below.

Base Materials[edit]

Magical items no longer require Caster Levels or knowledge of specific spells to manufacture. Instead, it is assumed that the skill and power of the crafter (represented by their feat), combined with the magical base materials used are sufficient to infuse the item with magical power. The materials for any magical item consist of the base item, and additional enchanting materials totaling half of the item's base crafting value (given below). For any Medium or Greater item the material cost cannot be made of mundane materials and must be made up of Wish Economy goods that specify they can be used for this purpose to provide the required level of power. The exact nature of the materials required for Lesser items is somewhat vague, but can be assumed to represent body parts of mundane and magical creatures, rare and unusual herbs or gemstones, minor magical materials, and other things thematically appropriate to the magic effect required. If the base item to be enchanted is valuable in its own right then you also require the item to be obtained prior to beginning the work, or the materials to create it whilst it is being enchanted as detailed below.

Finding Materials[edit]

A GM may choose to allow magical materials obtained whilst adventuring to count towards the material cost for an appropriate magic item, including body parts from defeated magical enemies. For example, fresh Shocker Lizard glands may count towards the material cost of Lightning themed items, or water from a Healing Pool may be useful for a Wand of Healing. As a general rule, a creature’s body parts are worth an amount equal to a Treasure Parcel of its CR as base materials. As it is usually Magical Beasts that this will apply to, which typically don't carry much in the way of treasure, this allows resourceful adventurers the chance for a level appropriate Treasure Parcel out of the deal. Only parts from creatures of CR9 or greater can be used in the creation of Medium magic items, and only creatures of CR13 and higher can be harvested for material for Greater items. The magical power inherent in a creatures body remains after a creatures soul has gone to it’s eternal reward, however if the soul is taken for any reason (Trap the Soul, a Thinaun blade or similar) the magic is drained and its body parts cannot be used as base materials.

Masterpiece Items[edit]

Making magic items is as much an art as a science, and as such it requires a certain amount of inspiration to create the best works. Characters above a certain level with crafting feats will be granted the ability to create Masterpieces. A Masterpiece item is an item you can imbue with magical power beyond what you can usually create. Any given character can only make one Masterpiece item per level, regardless of how many crafting feats the character has taken, however he can choose from any of the Masterpieces he would be allowed to create. Once a Masterpiece has been created the character cannot make another until they have gained a level. In addition, you can only make a Masterpiece once for any given numerical Character Level (for example, level 12), so losing and regaining levels will not allow you to make more Masterpieces. The type of enchantment you can imbue into a Masterpiece item is listed in the crafting Feat. If you gain a level without having made a Masterpiece during that level, you can still make that level's Masterpiece at a later date, however the item must be one you could have made at that level and not a more powerful item.

Creating the Item[edit]

The creator needs a fairly quiet, comfortable, and well-lit place in which to work, outfitted with the tools of their particular trade. The character must have all the materials ready at the start of the process. The caster works for 8 hours each day, and cannot rush the process by working longer each day. The days need not be consecutive, and the caster can use the rest of his time as he sees fit. A character can work on only one item at a time. If a character starts work on a new item, all materials used on the under-construction item are wasted.

Creating an enchanted item from scratch[edit]

A magical item can be created at the same time that it is enchanted, if desired. In this case use the crafting rules above for creating the base item, however the total time taken is only the longer of the two processes, not the combined time. If the crafting process fails then only the materials for the base item are ever ruined, never the enchanting materials, and the crafter can try again with a new base item.

Specific Crafting Rules[edit]

Magic armor and weapons require the weapon or armor as a base item. Enchanting a magic weapon, armor or helm (even an existing one) requires access to a forge.

A Staff, Wand or Rod is simply a carved piece of wood or other material, and therefore no special base item is required. The enchanting time and materials are assumed to include whatever is needed. Enchanting a staff requires access to a magical workshop (treat as an Alchemists lab for price and availability). When creating these items, Divine spellcasters can choose spell effects from the PHB Cleric list, whilst Arcane spellcasters can choose spell effects from the PHB Wizard list.

Magic jewelry requires a piece of jewelry as a base item. This can be created at the time it is enchanted, or an existing item can be enchanted. Enchanting or creating a piece of magical jewelry (even an existing one) requires access to a forge.

Magic clothing requires the item of clothing as a base item. This can be created at the time it is enchanted, or an existing item can be enchanted. Enchanting an item of clothing (even an existing one) requires access to a loom.

A potion, oil, elixir or dust simply requires a container to store it in once it has been distilled. No base item is required, as the enchanting materials are assumed to include whatever is needed. Creating magical consumables requires access to an Alchemist's lab. When creating these items, Divine spellcasters can choose spell effects from the PHB Cleric list, whilst Arcane Spellcasters can choose spell effects from the PHB Wizard list.

Scribing a scroll or writing a Tome requires only parchment and a quill, which are assumed to be part of the enchanting materials . The majority of the base materials are used to create the magical ink with which the scroll is written. Scribing a scroll or Tome requires access to a magical workshop (treat as an Alchemists lab for price and availability).

Utility items range from folding boats, to feather tokens, to bags. Creating a magical utility item requires access to a magical workshop (treat as an Alchemists lab for price and availability). As they are so varied in form, it can be assumed that whatever base items are needed form part of the enchanting materials and the enchanting time includes any alterations to these required.

Nonstandard Items and Iconic Forms[edit]

Items are usually made in a form that indicates their magical effect, not simply because it's cooler that way, but because they are magically attuned to that form and easier to create. Creating an item in a nonstandard form is always a Masterpiece, and cannot be attempted if you have already created a Masterpiece this level. It also takes more costly base materials and may be more difficult. If the new form is one that you can convince your MC still has some thematic connection to the magical effect (Such as a Helm effect on a Headband), it takes materials equal to the base crafting cost. If the new form would be radically different (such as a Helm effect on a Ring) it takes materials equal to the base cost, however the item counts as the next highest level of magic item, which may change the materials required to Wish Economy goods. This does mean that you can't Wish for Lesser items in vastly unusual forms, which is nice because otherwise every scaling bonus in the game would only be found on Rings. Details of the iconic forms of various magic items are found in the appropriate descriptions.

Crafting Feats[edit]

Crafting feats are either Skill feats, in which case they scale to your highest rank in a Craft skill, or Metamagic feats which scale to the highest level spell you can cast.

Forgemaster [Skill] You shame Hephaestus with your mad forge skillz. Benefits: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Craft (Metalsmith).

  • 0 ranks: You gain a +3 Insight bonus to Craft checks.
  • 4 ranks: By spending a minute examining a magical shield, set of armor, helm or weapon you can Identify it as per the spell.
  • 9 ranks: You are able to make Masterpieces. Your Masterpiece can be a Lesser magical armor, weapon or helm, with an enchanting time of 1 week.
  • 14 ranks: Your Masterpiece Item can now be a Medium magical armor, weapon or helm. You are now able to make Lesser magical Metalsmith items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 day.
  • 19 ranks: Your Masterpiece Item can now be a Greater magical armor, weapon or helm. You are now able to make Medium magical Metalsmith items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 week.

Stavecrafter [Spellcasting] A Wizard's staff has a knob on the end. You know because you put it there. Benefits: This is a spellcasting feat that scales with the highest-level spell slot you have.

  • 0: When wielding a quarterstaff you suffer no penalty for attacking with your off-hand, as if you had the Two-Weapon Fighting feat.
  • 1: By spending a minute examining a magical staff, rod or wand you can Identify it as per the spell.
  • 3: You are able to make Masterpieces. Your Masterpiece can be a Lesser magical rod, staff or wand, with an enchanting time of 1 week.
  • 6: Your Masterpiece Item can now be a Medium magical rod, staff or wand. You are now able to make Lesser versions of these items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 day.
  • 9: Your Masterpiece Item can now be a Greater magical rod, staff or wand. You are now able to make Medium versions of these items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 week.

Forge Enchanted Jewelry [Skill] You are the Lord of the Rings. You're not bad with Amulets and Periapts either. Benefits: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Craft (Goldsmith).

  • 0 ranks: You gain a +3 Insight bonus to Craft checks.
  • 4 ranks: By spending a minute examining a piece of magical jewelry (rings, amulets, periapts, brooches or headbands) you can Identify it as per the spell.
  • 9 ranks: You are able to make Masterpieces. Your Masterpiece can be a piece of Lesser magical jewelry, with an enchanting time of 1 week.
  • 14 ranks: Your Masterpiece Item can now be a piece of Medium magical jewelry. You are now able to make Lesser jewelry items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 day.
  • 19 ranks: Your Masterpiece Item can now be a piece of Greater magical jewelry. You are now able to make Medium jewelry items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 week.

Master of the Loom [Skill] You are the maker of the magic pants. Benefits: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Craft (Tailor).

  • 0 ranks: You gain a +3 Insight bonus to Craft checks.
  • 4 ranks: By spending a minute examining an item of magical clothing (boots, belts, gloves or cloaks) you can Identify it as per the spell.
  • 9 ranks: You are able to make Masterpieces. Your Masterpiece can be an item of Lesser magical clothing, with an enchanting time of 1 week.
  • 14 ranks: Your Masterpiece Item can now be an item of Medium magical clothing. You are now able to make Lesser clothing items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 day.
  • 19 ranks: Your Masterpiece Item can now be an item of Greater magical clothing. You are now able to make Medium clothing items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 week.

Brew Potion [Spellcasting] Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble… Benefits: This is a spellcasting feat that scales with the highest-level spell slot you have.

  • 0: You can brew Potions and Oils of 0th level spell effects with an enchanting time of 1 day.
  • 1: By spending a minute examining any magical liquid or dust you can Identify it as per the spell.
  • 3: You can brew Potions and Oils of 1st, 2nd and 3rd level spell effects with an enchanting time of 1 day.
  • 6: You can make magical Dust with an enchanting time of 1 day.
  • 9: You are able to make Masterpieces. Your Masterpiece can be an Elixir, with an enchanting time of 1 week.

Scribe Scrolls [Spellcasting] You can scribe scrolls. It's kind of like keeping a diary, except the pages can kill people. Benefits: This is a spellcasting feat that scales with the highest-level spell slot you have.

  • 0: You can decipher scrolls containing spells on your Class list without the need for a read magic spell.
  • 1: You can scribe Scrolls of any 1st level spell you know and are able to cast with an enchanting time of 1 day.
  • 3: You can scribe Scrolls of any 2nd or 3rd level spell you know and are able to cast with an enchanting time of 1 day.
  • 6: You can scribe Scrolls of any 4th, 5th or 6th level spell you know and are able to cast with an enchanting time of 1 day.
  • 9: You can scribe Scrolls of any spell you know and are able to cast with an enchanting time of 1 day. You are able to make Masterpieces. Your Masterpiece can be a Tome, with an Enchanting (writing) time of 1 week.

Craft Utility Item [Spellcasting] You can make all sorts of enchanted knick-knacks people never even knew they needed. Kind of like a magical QVC. Benefits: This is a spellcasting feat that scales with the highest-level spell slot you have.

  • 0: You can tell a magical utility item within 60' is magical by sight, as if you had a detect magic spell active.
  • 1: By spending a minute examining a magical utility item you can Identify it as per the spell.
  • 3: You are able to make Masterpieces. Your Masterpiece can be a Lesser utility item, with an enchanting time of 1 week.
  • 6: Your Masterpiece Item can now be a Medium utility item. You are now able to make Lesser utility items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 day.
  • 9: Your Masterpiece Item can now be a Greater utility item. You are now able to make Medium utility items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 week.

Random Magic Items[edit]

When you need to generate a random magic item, use the following charts. First, roll on the Item Type chart to determine the type of item, then roll on the Supplementary charts below to determine the exact item found.

Item Type
Lesser Medium Greater Item Type
01-08 01-10 01-10 Armor and Shields
09-18 11-25 11-25 Weapons
19-43 26-35 26-30 Potions/Oils/Dust
44-63 36-50 31-35 Scrolls
64-73 51-60 36-50 Wands/Staves
74-93 61-90 56-90 Wondrous Items
94-00 91-00 91-00 Utility Items

Armor and Shields[edit]





Wondrous Items[edit]

Utility Items[edit]