The Shadow (3.5e Vestige)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 9th November 2015
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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The Shadow[edit]

"What if the shadow found out?" A question often asked by criminal scum, about to perpetrate unlawful acts. The Shadow is a mysterious vestige that seeks to stop crime and bring justice to the downtrodden.

Level: 3rd

Binding DC: 20

Special Requirement: No


The Shadow started as a masterful vigilante in a crime-ridden city, so effective he was that within weeks of his arrival, all crime ceased. Whenever a criminal would attempt to commit a crime, a single thought stopped him dead in his tracks:

"What if the Shadow found out?"

The city quickly turned into a haven of peace and prosperity, a example of beauty and justice in a land of despair and madness. However, it was not to last. A small-time criminal and fraudster eventually, through great willpower, overcame the powerful thought. In the wake of his crime, he realized the ultimate truth; the Shadow never existed at all. As the revelation spread, the city once again turned to crime, and in a night of decadence and arson, burnt down completely.

Some say The Shadow was a spell placed on the city; others say it was the influence of an eldritch being or even simply a urban legend that took on a life of its own through enough belief. Whatever the case, the Shadow is now one of the vestiges.


As the binder completes the circle, a massive shadow overcasts them and then immediately vanishes.


The binder seems to be a bit less saturated, as if the color were slightly drained away.


You seek to right wrongs, to bring justice where there is none, and to prevent crimes. You prefer to use intimidation, fear, and anonymity as your tools.

Granted Abilities[edit]

Frightful Presence[edit]

The binder radiates a frightful presence within 30 ft; all creatures caught must make a will save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Charisma modifier) or become frightened for 1d4+1 rounds. Creatures with a CR equal or higher than the binder's class level are shaken for the duration instead.

Mantle of the Shadow[edit]

The binder gains the ability to summon a shadowskin fullcloak as a swift action. The mantle appears on him and is always adjusted for his size. If the binder removes the mantle, it immediately vanishes into the aether.

While wearing the mantle, the binder receives the benefits of batman in plain sight.

Shadow Jump[edit]

As a move action, the binder may replicate the effect of improved dimension door, except he may only teleport within shadowy illumination or darker. Once you have used this ability, you cannot use it again for 5 rounds.

What if the Shadow found out?[edit]

All creatures within 120 ft. of the binder must make a will save whenever they are about to commit an illegal action; on a failure, they stop at the last moment and become shaken for 1 round. Any creature succeeding on its saving throw is forevermore immune to this ability, even from other binders.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4454 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Binding DC20 +
Identifier3.5e Vestige +
Level3rd +
Rated ByEiji-kun + and Undead Knave +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryWhat if the shadow found out? +
TitleThe Shadow +