Terrain Arcana (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 4-7-17
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Terrain Arcana
Level: Cleric 1, Druid 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Components: V, S, F
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Area: Four 5 ft cubes + 5 ft cubes/level
Duration: 1 round/level; see text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

You step on the dimly glowing floor tile, and feel pulse through your body.

This spell enhances the ground to give off one of the selected passive magical effect as seen below. Effects apply to all creatures standing on the affected ground up to 5 ft above. Multiple terrain arcana spells can overlap and provide different effects or counter each other, but the same bonuses and penalties do not stack. Effects come into play when you end your movement in a square, not simply passing through. Affected terrain glows dimly, so it cannot be used effectively as a trap. Creatures become aware of the effects when standing in the area.

By casting this spell in a higher level spell slot, you can access stronger effects. By using a more expensive focus (which is left behind as part of the spell) you can make the duration permanent.

Terrain Arcana Effect
1st Level
Attack Penalty -1 -1 luck penalty to attack and damage.
Attack Power +1 +1 luck bonus to attack and damage.
Aid Challenge +4 bonus on ability checks and skill checks.
Disrupt Challenge -4 penalty on ability checks and skill checks.
Lucky Save 1 +1 luck bonus to saving throws.
Quickness +10 Creature's movement speeds improved by +10 feet.
Rough Path Area counts as difficult terrain.
Safety Creatures automatically stabilize, and can deal non-lethal damage without taking the -4 penalty to attack.
Static Unable to move unattended objects in area unless you make a DC 16 Strength check, as the static planar trait.
Unlucky Save 1 -1 luck penalty to saving throws.
2nd Level
Ability Bane -4 penalty to ability score of choice.
Ability Blessing +4 enhancement bonus to ability score of choice.
Defense Down -4 luck penalty to AC.
Defense Up +4 luck bonus to AC.
Glowing Creatures in the area glow as per faerie fire, lasting until 1 round after they leave the area.
Improved Recovery Healing recovers 20% more damage.
Nerf Damage Attacks deal -20% less damage.
Quickness +30 Creature's movement speeds improved by +30 feet.
Rapid Attack Extra bonus attack on a full attack, does not stack with haste.
Unreactive Creatures unable to make attacks of opportunity.
3rd Level
Attack Penalty -2 -2 luck penalty to attack and damage.
Attack Power +2 +2 luck bonus to attack and damage.
Damage Creature 5 Creature takes 5 points of damage each round.
Haze Creatures gain 20% concealment as per blur.
Heal Creature 5 Creature recovers 5 points of damage each round.
Long Arms Reach increases by 5 ft.
Ring Out Creatures are teleported just outside of where they entered area of effect at end of turn. Creatures already inside effect when placed are unaffected until they leave and attempt to return.
Short Arms Reach decreases by 5 ft (minimum 5 ft).
Unlimited Reflexes Creatures benefit from unlimited attacks of opportunity and do not expend their own attempts. They still only gain one attack per opportunity.
Wild Warp Teleport randomly to another square in area of effect at beginning of turn.
4th Level
Glass Skin Existing DR is reduced by 5 points.
Greater Nerf Damage Attacks deal -50% less damage.
Greater Recovery Healing recovers 50% more damage.
Iron Skin Gain DR 5/-.
Lucky Save 3 +3 luck bonus to saving throws.
Quickness +50 Creature's movement speeds improved by +50 feet.
Steady Warp Able to teleport to any other square in area of effect as a standard action.
Tumbler Creatures in area do not provoke for movement.
Unlucky Save 3 -3 luck penalty to saving throws.
Weaken Spell Resistance Spell resistance is reduced by 5 points.
5th Level
Attack Penalty -3 -3 luck penalty to attack and damage.
Attack Power +3 +3 luck bonus to attack and damage.
Damage Creature 10 Creature takes 10 points of damage each round.
Disperse Damage Damage taken in area is spread around evenly to all creatures in area. For example, 100 damage among 5 targets means 20 damage per creature. Spread damage is untyped and not reduced by damage reduction or resistances.
Disperse Healing Healing received in area is spread around evenly to all creatures in area. For example, 100 healing among 5 targets means 20 damage per creature. Spread healing is not positive or negative energy.
Heal Creature 10 Creature recovers 10 points of damage each round.
No Entry Creatures are unable to move through area. You may leave the area normally, not cannot end movement in an afflicted space.
Refresh Creatures recover 1 point of ability damage to every ability score each round.
Snail Movement All movement speeds are reduced to 5 ft.
Stone Death Creatures which hit 0 hp in the area are petrified instead, as if flesh to stone.
6th Level
Adamantine Skin Gain DR 10/-.
Break Spell Resistance Spell resistance is reduced by 10 points.
Critical Up Critical range increased as per keen edge.
Greater Haze Creatures gain 50% concealment as per displacement.
Improved Armor Attacks to creature deal 20% less damage.
Improved Damage Attacks deal 20% more damage.
Rot Creatures take 1 point of ability damage to every ability score each round.
Status Stasis Creatures are unable to acquire or remove status effects (both positive or negative) while in area, unless duration runs out naturally.
Talc Skin Existing DR is reduced by 10 points.
Walk Only Creatures unable to use burrow, climb, swim, or fly speeds (creatures with no other speeds gain a land speed of 5 ft).
7th Level
Attack Penalty -4 -4 luck penalty to attack and damage.
Attack Power +4 +4 luck bonus to attack and damage.
Damage Creature 15 Creature takes 15 points of damage each round.
Heal Creature 15 Creature recover 15 points of damage each round.
Lucky Save 5 +5 luck bonus to saving throws.
No Melee Creatures unable to make melee attacks in area. Attacks may come from outside area.
No Ranged Creatures unable to make ranged attacks in area. Attacks may come from outside area.
Sudden Movement Creatures in area may take a 5 ft step as an immediate action. This does not consume their 5 ft step for the round.
Swift Warp Able to teleport to any other square in area of effect as a swift action.
Unlucky Save 5 -5 luck penalty to saving throws.
8th Level
Accuracy Roll twice on attack rolls, and take the better roll.
Flat Feet All creatures in area are flatfooted.
Greater Armor Attack to creature deal 50% less damage.
Greater Damage Attacks deal 50% more damage.
Inaccuracy Roll twice on attack rolls, and take the worse roll.
Mobility Creatures gain an additional move action each round.
No Healing Creatures in area cannot recover hp.
Random Creatures act as if confused. This is not a mind-affecting effect it is an illusion (glamer), as the creature reacts appropriately to incorrect stimulus.
Reverse Damage Damaging effects now heal, and healing effects now damage.
Self Inflicting Creature's actions also affect it. For example, it damages itself when attacking others, and curing an ally also cures them the same amount.
9th Level
Attack Penalty -5 -5 luck penalty to attack and damage.
Attack Power +5 +5 luck bonus to attack and damage.
Bleed Out Creatures automatically bleedout and lose 20% of their health every round they remain in the area.
Damage Creature 20 Creature takes 20 points of damage each round.
Destroy Spell Resistance Creatures lose their spell resistance in area.
Heal Creature 20 Creature recover 20 points of damage each round.
Magic Drain Every round you randomly lose one of your highest level spell slots, spell-like abilities, or power points equal to your HD.
Seal Abilities Creatures unable to cast spells, use maneuvers, manifest powers, use supernatural abilities, and similar effects.
Senseless Creature is blinded and deafened, and loses all senses except touch.
Undying Creatures in area cannot die from hp damage as long as they remain in the area. They can still die from non-hp effects, or if they leave the area when normally dead.

Focus: A crystal pyramid worth 50 gp. For the permanent version, a 1 foot or larger crystal pyramid worth (500 gp x spell level squared) is used, and left in the spell area effected. The spell is suppressed if the focus is removed from the area, and ended if the focus breaks. The focus has hardness 8 and 10 hp/spell level.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5639 Articles)
Article BalanceUnquantifiable +
AuthorEiji-kun +
ComponentV +, S + and F +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelCleric 1 +, Druid 1 + and Sorcerer/Wizard 1 +
RangeOther +
RatingUnrated +
SchoolUniversal +
SummaryEnhance the ground with a constant magical effect, which grants its benefit or penalty to anyone standing on that square. +
TitleTerrain Arcana +