Terminatus Armor (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 17 May, 2011
Status: Finished
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The powerful warrior Spyrate in his new Terminatus Armor.

Terminatus Armor[edit]

A very bulky and tall suit of armor, nearly 12 feet high and weight almost 5 tons the terminatus armor is a piece of lost technology that is said to come from beyond the stars. The suit is so bulky it need many strange, arcane mechanism to allow it wearer to even move but does not seem to restrict movement. It design seem to imply it was made for superhuman creatures, but was adapted to be used by mere mortals. It seem to be made from admantium, plastic-like steel and possess a energized proteum core which grant it nearly limitless energy.

Legend said it was made by a powerful deity of law for his angels, to bring his vengeance on other chaotic-aligned deities and their servants. But these legends are dismissed as superstition as the armor bear arcane marking instead of divine. No matter it origin, a warrior in terminatus armor will advance like a Juggernaut on the field, blowing opposition like dead leaves in an hurricane.

A terminatus armor grant a +12 armor bonus to AC, a +6 enhancement bonus to strength and constitution, damage reduction 5/-, the benefits of endure elements spells and immunity to poison, fire, ice, acid and disease. The terminatus armor also possess an integrated shield granting a +4 deflection bonus to AC and has 5 hit points per character level of it wearer, regaining 1 hit point per character levels of it wearer each minutes.

A terminatus armor grant it wearer the ability to breath in space, underwater or anywhere, as long as it helmet is worn. It self-contained environment also allow it wearer to exist in vacuum.

When in a terminator armor, a creature can use a weapon designed to be used by creature of two size categories bigger without penalties but take penalties from smaller weapons. A character with a terminator armor gain a slam attack (3d6 for medium creatures) that add twice the wearer strength to damage.

Once per day, the wearer of a terminatus armor may cast greater teleport as a spell-like ability as a full-round action.

A terminator armor can only be used by small, medium and large creatures (unless it was specifically made for it size). The armor take the head, body and feet slot it has an armor check penalty of -6 and an arcane spell failure of 35%. It weight 9,500 lbs but when moving inside it carry it worn weight, allowing the user to walk, fight or even jump rather unencumbered, however wearing a terminatus armor prevent the user from running and withdrawing (but not from charging).

Archivist Mental Hood[edit]

A particular suit of terminatus may come alongside a mental hood, the mental hood can be worn with an helmet and allow spell casters to cast spells without arcane spell failure and grant a spell resistance of 11 + wearer character level. If worn by a character unable to use arcane, divine or psionic it just grant a spell resistance equal to wearer character level.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4502 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA great suit of armor made for Gods who Walk Amongst men, each suits are prized artifact turning a warrior into a killing machine.. +
TitleTerminatus Armor +
TypeMinor +