Talk:Worm that Walks Variant (3.5e Race)
So I'm treating this as a template to add on to any already playable race. The Host's body can be swapped out for a new one which would change their stats, so I have a few topics...
1} Would it be a better idea to also add something like "+4 to any Attribute of your choosing" and have that and the already included "+2 Con" both carry over to the new Host body, so you wouldn't have, say, a Sorcerer with an Int mod of 1 and Wis mod of 0. These numbers also keep the starting body from being too overpowered, I think.
2} Since this is treated as a template, should the LA get stacked onto the Host's LA and is the LA of 3 adequate?
3} Should the swarms be able to Inhabit and control or damage Undead? My friend is playing as a vampire and brought this up to me. While technically "dead" I don't imagine the worms being able to control them while they're active. I also think that since the undead don't have Con, that the Swarm of Maggots should, instead, do swarm damage to them as if eating the rotten flesh. When It's dead they could spend time putting it back together then control the now-inanimate corpse. If it wouldnt take enough damage to die from them, and it doesnt expel them, it could eventually become a new worm that walks variant if they build a new Hive in that body.
---Kassupernova (talk) 01:47, 14 April 2018 (MDT)
- It's a bit unclear, but do these traits listed replace or stack with the base race? How does it function via a vis ability scores?
- When it comes to something like this, this may work better as an actual template. Pseudotemplate races like dragonborn generally come with the caveat of "almost everything is replaced save for ability scores/size, move them and replace with the following...", but I'm not sure which way this one goes. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 20:08, 25 April 2018 (MDT)
- I intended it as a stack, but it is a bit busy. Maybe the ability scores should stack with the template carrying over to new bodies but have the worm special attacks replace the host race's special attacks. It's a difficult quest, because it's also meant to make inanimate objects into playable characters. I guess you could make it into a template to go over an object that is given stats from possessed armor or animate armor or something of the sort. Should I just make it into a Race Template or make it its own stand alone race that can possess other races? --- Kassupernova (talk) 00:06, 28 April 2018 (MDT)
- Well, It depends on if the Host is a living thing or not. I've been treating it as the living Host makes all the decisions and actions and can even guide the worm swarms telepathically. It's a co-dependent thing. For an inanimate Host, the Worms would carry over all or most of a personality from the mage they had possessed beforehand. But if the Host is alive- the host is in control. If the Host is inanimate- the Worms are in control. They can, however, control corpses-turning them into zombie versions of them. --- Kassupernova (talk) 19:30, 14 May 2018 (MDT)