Talk:Warped Speed (3.5e Feat)

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Minor Problem[edit]

You can run up walls. But running (the action, I presumed) requires you to move in a straight line. If you go from flat surface to wall to flat surface, you're not moving in a straight line and thus can't be running. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 00:32, 29 March 2015 (UTC)

Probably this argument is not relevant anymore but... imho the problem isn't really one. Rules abide to the rule that they must be reasonable: if reading a rule one could come up with two different interpretations, one that makes the rule work and one that doesn't, it should and must choose the interpretation which allows the rule to works, never the contrary. The only case in which this doesn't apply it's when multiple interpretations don't let the reader choose between them, thus creating ambiguity in interpretation. The reading that does not allow the rule to work must be dropped though. Also: looking at the feat history I noticed that the run part has already been disposed of, so... not really relevant in this case. Oh well, abstract reasoning is still important. In this case, when the feat had "you gain the ability to run up walls", my previous reasoning doesn't really matter: the feat clearly said that you gain the ability to run up walls. This is a special rule that, as a general rule of interpretation, surpasses a general one (the rule regarding running in a straight line) because it explicitly gives the character the ability to run up walls which, normally, it wouldn't have. Also: the change in the wording (from "run" to "move") doesn't resolve the problem you presented: ok it can move up walls (a broader term), but can it run on them? The answer is yes, following one of my previous arguments. Well, that was long. --The bluez in the dungeon (talk) 15:04, 17 June 2021 (UTC)