Talk:Soft Flight (3.5e Feat)

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When you say ' allowing you to move in silence ', do you mean that you auto-succeed Move Silently checks (/sound-based Stealth checks for PF), essentially functionning as a Silence spell exclusively for aerial movement? Or do you mean that it negates Move Silently/Stealth penalties or restrictions for flying of which I am unaware? ---HarrowedMind (talk) 02:07, 5 October 2021 (UTC)

I mean auto-succeed: I'd liked to made it negate penalties for flying as the Light Feet feat from RotW does for moving in forests, but you are right, these penalties do not exist. I find it odd, flying is somewhat loud, especially if you must flap your wings, so this feat resolve this potential problem. My issue was to make it clear that are wings in themselves that are soundless, while one could still produce sound from other sources, even something like your wings brushing on leaves. --The bluez in the dungeon (talk) 05:29, 5 October 2021 (UTC)