Talk:Shieldbearer (3.5e Feat)
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Leziad dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4. |
+6 is kinda crazy, essentially with a high dex and combat reflexes it can make you immune to attacks unless your opponents are far superior.
+11 has problems, it should be when you use your shield to make them miss. Also why does it turn a wooden buckler into the mirror shield from Zelda? If those two are changed to something better your will get my favor though. Honestly I'd make the +1 affect anything not a touch or siege attack, the +6 allowing you deflect those. As for the +11 maybe allow the AoO parry but with a cumulative -5 penalty? |
Proposed Changes[edit]
Been mulling this over for a while, I have an idea of fusing this with the abilities of the dungeoncrasher fighter Alternate Class Feature and making quite a few sweeping changes. Would look like so:
+0: You retain your shield bonus to AC when you make a shield bash attack against an opponent. You may add your shield bonus to your touch AC so long as you are not caught flat-footed.
- Nothing new here per se, just moving part of the +1 to the +0.
+1: In addition, successfully shield bashing an opponent allows you to initiate a bull rush, on which you gain a competence bonus equal to your shield bonus to Armor Class (including that from enchantments put on the shield).
- This dumps use of the shield as a conventional weapon because if someone wanted that, they could go with TWF instead. The change differentiates the playstyle from TWF and sets the dungeoncrasher tone early.
+6: If you force the target of your bull rush into a wall or other solid object, you crush them against it, dealing bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 per point of BAB you possess.
- A scaling version of the dungeoncrasher fighter ability. I am open to putting in clauses to prevent it from being cheesed in similar fashion, but haven't done enough research to know what constitutes cheese and what's just optimization.
+11:By spending an attack of opportunity, you may attempt to deflect an attack (including a touch attack) that targets you by making an attack roll. If your attack roll exceeds the roll of the attack against you, that attack is deflected. For each additional attack you try to deflect in the same turn, you incur a cumulative -2 penalty to the roll made to deflect the attack. When you deflect a foe's attack, you automatically have The Edge against them on your next turn regardless of your respective Base Attack Bonuses.
- Moved the old +6 here, added a -2 cumulative penalty, and ditched old +11 so no more mirror shield shenanigans.
+16: Same as current
This may address some of the concerns above, although probably not adequately. - TG Cid (talk) 19:28, 7 June 2018 (MDT)