Talk:Pistol (3.5e Equipment)

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What is with high crit ranges (among other things) on simple weapons? -- Eiji-kun 05:42, 28 September 2011 (UTC)

Okay, maybe I went a little bit overboard. --Foxwarrior 07:35, 28 September 2011 (UTC)

"I have a bucket of saltwater and I'm not afraid to use it!!"[edit]

"instantly destroyed" seems a bit much if submerged in a jamming-type substance. "Unable to be used until cleaned" might work better. I also take issue with the idea of any kind of real accuracy with an unmodified 9mm pistol beyond 100 yards, but I'm not a gun nut. I'm sure there are people who can shoot that accurately, but you're creating this as a "simple" weapon (god knows why) and it is supposedly being fired one-handed? I guess this is where the fantasy part kicks in. If anything, the first few range increments should be longer then grow shorter, as the farther you shoot the more compounded your errors in aiming will be. But for simplicity's sake, why not just make it 10 range increments of 100 feet each? -- Spanambula 06:29, 28 September 2011 (UTC)

With a quick check on Google, I find that a pistol can be fired more than a mile. A -10 penalty to hit means that you can't get any kind of real accuracy beyond 100 yards unless you already have superhuman aiming abilities. --Foxwarrior 07:35, 28 September 2011 (UTC)