Talk:Pegasus Knight, Fire Emblem (3.5e Class)

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Suggestions and review[edit]

Hi! I'd like to review your class a bit. It's generally interesting and good, but I feel like there's some improvements to make.

1-Balance: Definetely not Moderate, this is above fighter level, if only for the ability to fly thanks to the pegasus. I'd say High, on the higher end too.

2-Skill list and Hit Die: Definitely should have a precise skill list. Otherwise balance is difficult to achieve and the class does not strikes me as a skill-monkey type. Also, some players may choose not to have the Ride skill, which would be counterintuitive. If you need suggestions I'd say: Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (history), (nobility) and (religion), Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot. I'd go with a d10 instead of d8. Why did you choose the d8?

3-Weapon Proficiency: I like them! Nice restrictions

4-Bond of the Knight: I'd specify more clearly that the mount uses the saves of the Knight, if better.

5-Pegasus Mount: Here's the most glaring problem. A Moderate base class with fly at level one. I'd go with something else: A) either you give the pegasus later (5th level might be better) or B) you give the pegasus hampered flight, maybe going with an ability similar to the limited flight of a raptoran, only later gaining full flight (based on the knight's level, since there's no HD progression for the pegasus, which should really be there, or it will die immediately against stronger foes).

6-Sky Evasion and Air Superiority: all good, I'd just add that the Evasion feature is equal to that of a rogue of the knight's level (the same is valid for the Improved version).

7-Weapon Mastery and the improved version: I'd split the gained feats on multiple levels, or just give it once, since most players choose one kind of weapon and use only that, so having weapon focus for multiple weapons might be redundant.

8-Axe and Tome Breaker: nice, but I'd make it a standard action, so that it doesn't make a full attack with critical hits. Consider giving it a limited use per day or encounter. Remember that critical hits may activate riding effects like vorpal.

9-Falcon Knight: Consider spell resistance equal to 5/10 + class level.

10-Sky piercing Lance: nice, but I'd limit the uses per day/encounter and define the kind of action it uses (standard? full round?). If you'd like to link it, the wiki has radiant damage: Radiance. Remember that flame strike has half divine damage, which is relevant for energy resistance. Radiant damage is homebrew content, but you might want to consider it.

11-Valkyrie's Fervor: Very powerful, definitely not Moderate.

This is everything for now, I hope this is useful. --The bluez in the dungeon (talk) 10:38, 8 October 2022 (UTC)