Talk:One Strike Two Cuts (3.5e Maneuver)

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How is this different from an extra iterative attack?[edit]

See title. It requires a full-round action to initiate this one, so how is it different? I guess it is makes the iterative attacks that are rolled up a little more accurate. Less attack rolls means more variability though. Also title of the page should prolly be "two cuts". --Aarnott 02:26, 11 July 2011 (UTC)

Slightly superior in that you're guaranteeing all attacks hit at your highest attack bonus (plus one) with one strike. If you have a high-crit build, also useful in that suddenly ALL your attacks are critting, or downright fatal (if rare) if using a scythe or other high multiplier build. I had it standard but I was worried I'd give too much power by allowing this sort of pseudo-pouncing. Noted on the title though, fixing. -- Eiji-kun 02:31, 11 July 2011 (UTC)
Also I'm an idiot, I forgot I put "flatfooted or Dex lost" as the thing to prevent pouncing-esque behavior. Fixed, its now a standard. -- Eiji-kun 02:36, 11 July 2011 (UTC)