Talk:Oath of Martyrdom (5e Subclass)
This subclass no longer reflects the ORIGINAL forum post that it was created from. The CREATOR OF THIS SUBCLASS has re-balanced it after some feedback from other posters, the only change was to the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE. Here are the changes.
At 20th level, you enter a state where pain and wounds are pointless, as you accept death willingly. Using your action, you suffuse your body with all your living energy. While on this state, light emerges from your eyes and mouth, as well as any wound you take. For 1 minute or until the end of the battle, you gain the following benefits:
- You remain alive and conscious even if you would be otherwise taken to 0 hit points. You need not make any death saves. Track all damage you would have otherwise taken (including damage from a Disintegrate effect or from the *Stigmata Channel Divinity); once the effect is over, you take all this damage instantly. If this damage takes you to 0 or less Hit Points, you make death saves as usual (or die instantly from massive damage, if applicable).
- Your Aura of Martyrdom instead absorbs an amount of damage equal to five times your Charisma modifier.
- You and all allies within 30 ft. of you gain immunity to ability damage, necrotic damage and all death effects. You also gain immunity to all spells that restore hit point damage.
Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finished a long rest. You also recover it if you spent at least 24 hours dead before being revived.
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