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Talk:Mobile Blender (3.5e Optimized Character Build)

Wizard-level MaterialEdit

And that's what a single level of wizard-level material can do for a build. --Ghostwheel 13:53, June 26, 2010 (UTC)

This is definitely not a wizard-level build. So it deals a fair bit of damage. So what? A well played wizard at level 20 will cast a slew of save or dies or save or lose spells that just remove opponents from the game. This guy can't compete with that. How about flying opponents? Teleporting opponents that shoot medium range death spells? What about a colossal sized grappler? I don't see what is wizard level about this build. Just because it has a wizard level component, doesn't make the whole thing wizard level. --Andrew Arnott (talk, email) 21:28, June 26, 2010 (UTC)
While I definitely agree with you in theory, this build uses wizard-level material that probably wouldn't normally be allowed in rogue-level games. The tag isn't a marker of how powerful the build is, but what level of material is used. Furthermore, not all wizard-level classes can compete with actual wizards--I'd compare this to something more to the Tome Samurai, who doesn't have any innate way to fly either, and relies primarily on melee attacks. --Ghostwheel 22:56, June 26, 2010 (UTC)


  Aarnott is neutral on this article and rated it 2 of 4.
It doesn't deal much damage for being tagged as a wizard level optimized build (heck it doesn't even deal as much as most rogue level builds).

Added comment with rating update: I'm not entirely of the opinion that putting a single very high level component makes something very high level. It's the debate that I lost track of when I started the whole debate about ditching the SGT. I don't think warlocks are very high level and I don't think this build is either. Compare to a standard Tome class and I think the reason is apparent.

Show me another build that does that much damage consistently round after round at level 6 without having to have special requirements after being weighted against AC?
Also, if I didn't have to take the level of cleric, it would be rogue-level. But since we're using wizard-level material, it's marked at wizard-level. --Ghostwheel 17:03, 5 August 2011 (UTC)
Whoops! Misread damage amount. Either way, the wizard-level tag for a build that does rogue level things is a turn off to me (whether or not it uses wizard-level material). This build certainly isn't a dislike for me: it is interesting enough and probably the best way to make a decent skirmish/sneak attack build. But a bunch of other builds are a lot more interesting to me, so it'll stay a neutral rating. It just happened to come up as one of my random ratables for the day ;). --Aarnott 17:16, 5 August 2011 (UTC)
  MisterSinister dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
This is a one-trick pony at best, which contributes nothing relevant at high level, is item-dependent like a whore, and not VH.

Incorrect ProgressionEdit

The progression of your build Mobile Blender (3.5e Optimized Character Build) is COMPLETELY wrong, you are adding the progression of scout in the progression of rogue! skirmish only have progression when you level up the class scout, every 4 levels starting from the first level to skirmish suffers fit, fix it please!

You need to read the Swift Ambusher feat in Complete Scoundrel, which allows you to advance your skirmish with rogue levels. If you still feel that the progression is wrong after having read that feat, please explain why. - Tarkisflux Talk 17:28, 28 June 2014 (UTC)

Wait a second, something is missing.Edit

Weapon Finesse, where did you go? How will he into attack bonus? -- Eiji-kun (talk) 09:53, 8 July 2014 (UTC)

Knew I forgot something. --Ghostwheel (talk) 11:52, 8 July 2014 (UTC)
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