Talk:Grimoire of the Balanced Wheel (3.5e Sourcebook)/All About Combat (or Round One... Fight!)

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Design Notes[edit]

I like that you added design notes for each change. Sometimes the reasoning for a change is more important than the change itself.--Tavis McCricket 15:12, April 30, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks! I personally hate how many design decisions that are made in games are often swept under the rug or never explained. It often makes the designer look like an idjit, since when he makes a BIG mistake you've got no clue what was going through his mind and often end up thinking that he was a moron. It's important for me that everyone understands where I'm coming from, and what the roots of all the design decisions made are so that they can make the game as much "theirs" as it is mine :-) --Ghostwheel 19:59, April 30, 2010 (UTC)

Ability Drain / Negative Levels[edit]

You say it gives a -2 to "checks". Is that skill checks? What about attack rolls, saving throws, etc.? --Andrew Arnott (talk, email) 15:16, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

All checks where you roll a d20 and add a modifier. --Ghostwheel 15:26, June 18, 2010 (UTC)


Can a caster choose to "ignore" one or more of the creatures when casting defensively? Suppose there are 3 clumsy minions surrounding my wizard and 1 really accurate attacker. Can I choose to cast defensively against the accurate attacker, using his BAB, but allow AoOs to all of the minions? --Andrew Arnott (talk, email) 15:20, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

Yes. --Ghostwheel 15:26, June 18, 2010 (UTC)