Talk:God's Grace (3.5e Feat)

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Dat Balance[edit]

Whoa ho ho, wow... +10 stat, just... I do have to wonder how you justify the balance of that at all.

You can easily start with a 30 at 1st level. That's terrible! -- Eiji-kun (talk) 03:06, 29 November 2016 (UTC)

re-Dat Balance[edit]

Yes it is a powerful feat, and in a normal campaign a gm should rightfully tell his player "No", but in a high power campaign it can be seen as "usable". The only justification I have for the feat is: It can only be used for 1 stat, you no longer gain a bonus to stats by leveling up and it is not as unbalanced as my previous incarnation of the feat. -- Furhammer

I would argue too powerful. High level is the realm of Tome of Battle, optimized melee classes, and less versatile casters such as Warlocks or non-optimized Sorcerers. While some of their numbers can get quite large, it rarely is such a big difference. But this doesn't fit in Very High either, which is the realm of powerful wizards in the like. It's sitting in that strange realm of being both too big (+10 is huge!) and also too specific (and that's all you get) and dull. The fact you're missing out on possibly +5 to that stat over 20 levels is irrelevant, especially when your +5 from leveling will go into another ability score anyway.
And this is disregarding that most games won't even get to 20 anyways...
If you're looking for a straight up "increase your score feat" I'd start many factors lower. I'd also probably scale it so you aren't starting with a 30 at level 1. That said, surely with a name like God's Grace there could be more to this than just "bigger numbers". -- Eiji-kun (talk) 03:56, 29 November 2016 (UTC)
I understand what you are saying, how would you suggest going about making the feat scale? -- Furhammer
Well let's see... I'll build this for Very High balance, just so we have the most wiggle room.
You gain a +2 bonus on a selected ability score, plus an additional +2 bonus at 3 HD and every odd character level beyond (to a maximum of +10 at 19 HD). This ability score no longer benefits from temporary sources of ability bonuses such as most enhancement bonuses.
I switched it around so you can add your racial bonuses and inherent bonuses, but not your Amulets of Whatever +6. This is both because the racial and inherent bonuses are both more valuable and enhancement bonuses easier to obtain, and because it's easier to keep track of that way. The overall benefit, assuming you max out your stats, is actually +5 than normal compared to maxed out stats with +6 items which is really good, but less overpowering. It also doesn't start you out dramatically stronger than your peers at lower levels. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 04:12, 29 November 2016 (UTC)
Oh, and also: Any fluff reason why it's called God's Grace? -- Eiji-kun (talk) 04:14, 29 November 2016 (UTC)
Thank you, that is much better than a straight +10; and the name is the idea that you are blessed by the gods in one area.
Looks good to me. I'll rate it a bit later. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 04:20, 29 November 2016 (UTC)