Talk:Fist of the Forest (3.5e Feat)
From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
I am correct in assuming that you have to be Ranger level 4 to get an animal companion or do you just get it as a bonus feature when you take this feat as you will have at minimum 4 combine levels at the time that you can take the feat. Amdillae(talk) 00:56, 16 April 2015 (UTC)
- The intent was that you can be ranger 2 and get it at character level 4 (which is when the feat is first available anyway). Any way to make that clear? -- Eiji-kun (talk) 01:02, 16 April 2015 (UTC)
Stacking from Multiple Sources[edit]
How does this feat interact with the Hunter Monk variant from Dragon Magazine that grant favored enemy progress to the monk and also stacks ranger and monk levels for favored enemy progress? Amdillae(talk) 06:32,24 July 2015 (UTC)
- Hm.
- So monk gets favored enemy, and if you multiclass with ranger, you stack for favored enemy?