Talk:Fang of the Four Winds (3.5e Prestige Class)

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A little question to clear things out: Does the damage of Breath of Four Winds stack, or does it simply affect the targets with the most favourable outcome (which is very nice, flavourful, and balanced)? Otherwise, if it does stack, it results effectively in 4d6 damage/initiator level, which is overpowered in more than a way, even considering the save, energy resistances and even backlash. Oh yeah, and other than that, I love the class. -HarrowedMind 19:36, 8 October 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for your praise. To clarify, the quad-damage at one time IS intentional. However it's less of an issue that you may think as the soonest it comes online, ECL 15, your facing a large number of creatures with energy resistance, including outsiders who are often covered with energy resistant (if not immunity) everything 10. It takes a large chunk of damage out of the otherwise powerful blow.
However if your gaming group is uncomfortable with it, besides your perfectly fine suggestion may I suggest that it be reduced to 1/day regardless of refreshing. I think it keeps the idea without adding spammability. -- Eiji-kun 06:17, 9 October 2011 (UTC)


RatedNeutral.png Eromythic is neutral on this article and rated it 2 of 4.
Not trilled, I think I would lean towards a level-per-wind approach, ending with a 4 level prestige class.
RatedDislike.png Surgo dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
While there's nothing wrong with it, honestly it feels like it would work better as a feat or two like Desert Storm.

RatedNeutral.png Jota is neutral on this article and rated it 2 of 4.
While there is nothing wrong with this class, I do not find much that is original or interesting in it either. This is the sort of thing (Energy Substitution) a spellcaster manages with a feat, and here it is largely dragged out over 10 levels. It advances maneuvers, so the baseline of power should always be sound, but I think you could cut the number of levels in half(or maybe six, though it would be thematic to have four). Maybe give Another Wind at 1, 3 and 5 paired with Elemental Defense; put your Howling stances at 2 and 4, and preserve the capstone at 6. Throw in empower somewhere based on the maneuvers you get or saving throw bonuses. Perhaps that would be slightly overclocked, but the substitutions are horizontal power shifts and the other boosts seem relatively minor. I think it would be fine.