Talk:Disruptive (3.5e Template)

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This is a welcome edition, as D&D has needed natural nulls for some time now. Out of curiousity, is there a way for a player character to get this template at first level without a ridiculously high LA?--Change=Chaos. Period. SC 05:17, 7 April 2011 (UTC)

I'm still debating over the LA with others right now, but it will have an LA of some sort. Whatever the LA is, there you are. So none at first level, but I try to aim low with LAs. At the moment this is 4th level.
Ironically it was not made for PCs, but I try to make LAs for them anyway since experience has shown someone will always want to play one.
For those working on ToBII/Complete Sublime, this is the base template for the backstory of warriors from (presumably) Archeron. -- Eiji-kun 05:32, 7 April 2011 (UTC)
In that case, I'd love your help on a spinoff, Null. Effect- Complete immunity to spells, spell-like and suprnatural abilities. Down side- complete immunity and inability to use spells, spell-like and supernatural abilities, even in item form. First, would this be a feat or a trait, what would be necessary pre-reqs to make a character stable/survivable, and other than the obivious bans should other "spells" (like psionics or manuevers) be affected as well, or must a player choose?--Change=Chaos. Period. SC 19:49, 7 April 2011 (UTC)
I've thought of such but have not yet come to a decision on how much that ability is worth. For ease of use, since this ability does exist, anyone who attempts to do so should crib the ability of the Karasite (Tome of Magic), whose racial ability is effectively magic immunity and inability to use magic. -- Eiji-kun 22:50, 7 April 2011 (UTC)