Talk:Crashing Bull Rush (3.5e Feat)

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I think this might be a better way to write it.

When you bull rush an opponent a distance of at least 10 feet into a solid object, they take 4d6 plus your strength score in damage. At +8 Base Attack Bonus and every two points therafter, you do an additional 1d6 damage. At +11 Base Attack Bonus, you add twice your strength score to damage, and thrice your strength score at Base Attack Bonus +16.

That said, strength scores can get really high. This can easily explode into triple-digit damage as a single action which beats out even the most damaging martial maneuvers. It is quite situational however. Then again, you might've meant Strength Bonus, but considering the High balance it's likely the strength score. Also I think both the object and the target should take the damage, allowing a Monk or Barbarian to potentially smash someone through multiple walls at a time like they were the Juggernaut. LenKagetsu (talk) 22:50, 24 March 2015 (UTC)

The object taking damage sound fun, I will write it in. Aslo while it is indeed very strong, it kind of a harder to achieve thann just full-attacking sosmone or use a maneuver, bullrushing can be hard. --Leziad (talk) 23:17, 24 March 2015 (UTC)