From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Ganteka Future opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
Once again, this is a mess. Sonic fanfiction included for whatever reason here. Everything is all over the place. The item effectively removes any amazing of your character. Anyone using this isn't playing their character anymore, they're playing the item, and the item is bad and lets you summon epic monsters and cast epic spells all over the place, which might be fine for an epic campaign if it wasn't so uninteresting otherwise and also a mess. Seriously, if you're making an epic artifact bow, and it can bypass 3 points of damage reduction as one of the longest, most described abilities, there's something wrong. This shouldn't be in the main space.
Fluffykittens opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
Same reason as the justice pendant.