Talk:Broken Sword Hilt (3.5e Equipment)

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Variant Rule[edit]

This should just be a variant rule. Just have it apply to masterwork and magical weapons (non-ammunition of course). It makes no sense in game terms and world terms why someone who went out of there way to make their weapon better with a different item template on say, an axe, actually has their weapon just be broken than someone who didn't pay anything. Or I guess, someone who has a sword, but has a nice hilt on it or whatever, and can't gain this because you can only have one item template. Just make it a variant rule and give DMs the option to say certain weapons don't qualify or whatever. Granted, stacking rules about broken weapons on top of rules for broken weapons might get a little weird, so make sure to double check all your wording and things, especially for people using the Broken condition on the wiki and for people using Pathfinder. --Ganteka Future (talk) 19:32, 19 November 2021 (UTC)

It more or less is in practice, and I debated which way I wanted to do that.
As far as use on other non-bladed weapons (which axes do count), I couldn't think of an easy way to express a severely damaged piercing or bludgeoning weapon that could still be crudely used for its original function. Bludgeoning maybe: Half a quarterstick is still a beaty stick, just smaller. But anyway, I waived it off for the moment. It's an experiment. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 03:04, 20 November 2021 (UTC)