Staff of Slat Draoi (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 3-2-13
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Staff of Slat Draoi[edit]

The Staff of Slat Draoi uses the Functional Weapons of Legacy variant rule.

Staff of Slat Draoi
Price: 3300 gp
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 20th
Aura: Strong Universal (DC 30)
Activation: See Text
Weight: 4 lb

This quarterstaff is looked aged, formed from gnarled wood with minimum decoration. However when grasped runes light up along its body, and the gnarled head glows with the inner light of some trapped wispy energy.

The staff of slat draoi is a quarterstaff which looks as old as it actually is. Formed long ago by a fantastically powerful mage, it was used as his focus through many an adventure. Though his time has long past the staff persists, imbued with an element of his strength over the forces of magic, a strength which increases once properly awakened. It starts out as a +1/+0 quarterstaff with the ability to absorb up to 1 spell level of spells known for it to act as a magic staff (0th level spells count as 1/2 a spell level). Imbuing a spell into the staff is merely a matter of casting said spell into the staff. Once done, it is a known spell for the staff and may be cast for 1 charge using the staff's 50 charges like any magic staff could. The spell is cast using your character level as your caster level, and your highest mental ability score for spell DCs. Forgetting a spell known is a standard action, in case you wish to switch out the spell for a new one. You need not know the spell to imbue it in your staff (such as having cast from a scroll) but it does need to be on your spell list as normal. The staff recharges 1 charge each day on its own. Spells cast from the staff use up a number of charges equal to 1/2 its spell level (round down, minimum 1).

As various rituals are made and power is gained, the weapon starts taking on stronger powers. There are five rituals that are performed when unlocking this weapon's power. They must be performed in order (the 2nd ritual must be completed before you start the 3rd, even if you achieve the 3rd level prerequisites). Rituals cost gold (in the form of feeding the weapon raw materials) and xp, with an additional prerequisite. Once the 1st level ritual is unlocked, the quarterstaff displays its omen effect. You can take time out and spend 8 hours bringing the weapon to the next level once you have the prerequisites.

The staff of slat draoi is a unique magic item, on its way to becoming an artifact. While it has a price, it cannot be completely destroyed. If reduced to 0 hp, it instead falls inert in a broken condition, and unable to be used until repaired, but is not destroyed as items usually are. It is treated as an artifact against the effects of mage's disjunction.

Omen: When wielded, the staff lights up with ever-shifting magical runes and a wispy glowing haze emits from its gnarled head. When casting a spell from the staff, the dull glowing mist brightens up considerably, shedding light as a torch for the duration of the casting time.

1st Ritual (Novice)[edit]

Eye of the Wizard: You may use detect magic and read magic at will.

Enhanced Attacker: Weapon-like spells are augmented by the enhancement bonus of either end of the quarterstaff, as if you were using gish gauntlets tied to that spell.

Magic Surge: As an attack action you can release a pulse of magical energy from the staff. This is a touch attack with reach, and you threaten with it as any weapon. It deals 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier in untyped magical damage. You can only use magic surge if you have at least 1 spell slot remaining (0th level spells count).

Least Metamagic Alteration: 3/day you can apply any +1 metamagic effect to a spell, as if using a metamagic rod. This does not change the spell level of the cast spell.

Spell Storage and Regeneration: The staff may now store up to 4 spell levels worth of spells imbued within it, and it recharges 2 charges per day, or double this amount on a successful spellcraft check DC 30. For every +20 DC, the regeneration triples, quadruples, and so forth.

Prerequisites: Caster level 3rd, must have used at least half the charges in the staff within 24 hours.

Cost: 4,000 gp, 160 xp.

2nd Ritual (Apprentice)[edit]

Lesser Metamagic Alteration: 3/day you can apply any +2 metamagic effect to a spell, as if using a metamagic rod. This does not change the spell level of the cast spell, and draws from a seperate pool then from the other metamagic alteration effects.

Spell Knowledge Synergy: If you cast a spell which is the same spell the staff is currently imbued with, the spell gains +1 CL.

Spell Storage and Regeneration: The staff may now store up to 8 spell levels worth of spells imbued within it, and it recharges 3 charges per day.

Prerequisites: Caster level 7th, must have cast or benefited from a spell from a potion, a scroll, a wand, a staff, and at least one wondrous item, and do all within 24 hours. The effect must either be or directly duplicate a spell (so scabbard of keen edges works, but a keen longsword +1 does not).

Cost: 16,000 gp, 640 xp.

3rd Ritual (Adept)[edit]

Eye of the Archmage: Detect magic and read magic are now constant, and a single round of concentration grants you the knowledge of three rounds of concentration.

Greater Metamagic Alteration: 3/day you can apply any +3 metamagic effect to a spell, as if using a metamagic rod. This does not change the spell level of the cast spell, and draws from a seperate pool then from the other metamagic alteration effects.

Improved Magic Surge: The damage from your magic surge rises to 1d8, and becomes a 20/x3 critical. You no longer need to retain at least 1 spell slot to use.

Spell Storage and Regeneration: The staff may now store up to 12 spell levels worth of spells imbued within it, and it recharges 4 charges per day. You can also restore charges by expending spell slots as a standard action, regaining 0.5 of a charge for every spell level expended (thus 4 charges is 8 levels of spells).

Prerequisites: Caster level 11th, must create your own spell of at least 2nd level or higher, and must use this spell in a duel with another spellcaster.

Cost: 36,000 gp, 1440 xp.

4th Ritual (Expert)[edit]

Improved Spell Knowledge Synergy: If you cast a spell which is the same spell the staff is currently imbued with, the spell gains +1 DC and +1 CL. This stacks with Spell Knowledge Synergy.

Spell Storage and Regeneration: The staff may now store up to 16 spell levels worth of spells imbued within it, and it recharges 5 charges per day.

Superior Metamagic Alteration: 3/day you can apply any +4 metamagic effect to a spell, as if using a metamagic rod. This does not change the spell level of the cast spell, and draws from a seperate pool then from the other metamagic alteration effects.

Prerequisites: Caster level 15th, must defeat a powerful opponent on your own, using only the powers granted by the staff and your own spellcasting. The opponent must be at least your CR -2.

Cost: 64,000 gp, 2560 xp.

5th Ritual (Master)[edit]

Eye of Magnus: You always roll a 20 on any Spellcraft check, and may read any magical text or effect without danger, even forbidden tomes, explosive runes, and any symbol spell.

Greater Magic Surge: The damage from your magic surge rises to 2d6, and becomes a 20/x4 critical. You can expend a spell slot as a free action to add +1d6 extra damage for every spell level of the spell expended.

Persistant Alteration: 1/day you can choose to have one spell with a duration persist for 24 hours instead. In addition if the effect is dispelled, it returns in 1d4 rounds. This counts as metamagic for the purpose of interacting with the other staff abilities.

Spell Storage and Regeneration: The staff may now store up to 20 spell levels worth of spells imbued within it, and it recharges 6 charges per day.

Prerequisites: Caster level 19th, must destroy an artifact to absorb its escaping magic power.

Cost: 100,000 gp, 4000 xp.

Prerequisites: N/A.
Cost to Create: Unique item, cannot be created.

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AuthorEiji-kun +
Body SlotHeld +
Cost3300 gp +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA weapon of legacy quarterstaff used by an ancient and powerful wizard of lore, it retains some of his supernatural might by expanding spells known and applying metamagic effects. +
TitleStaff of Slat Draoi +