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{{Creature Table
| creature=
| style=
| size=Half | type=-[[SRD:Giant Type|Giant]], 1st-Level [[SRD:Warrior|Warrior]]
| size=Medium | type=[[SRD:Giant Type|Giant]] ([[SRD:Psionic Subtype|Psionic]])
| hd=1d8+2 | hp=6
| init=–1
| speed=30 ft. (6 squares)
| ac=13 (–1 [[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]], +4 scale mail) | touch=9 | flat=13
| bab=+1 | grapple=+7
| at=Large [[SRD:Greatsword|greatsword]] +4 melee (3d6+3/19–20) or Large [[SRD:Javelin|javelin]] +0 ranged (1d8+2)
| full_at=Large [[SRD:Greatsword|greatsword]] +4 melee (3d6+3/19–20) or Large [[SRD:Javelin|javelin]] +0 ranged (1d8+2)
| space=5 ft. | reach=5 ft.
| sa=[[SRD:Psionic Subtype|Psi-like abilities]]
| sq=Fire acclimated, [[SRD:Giant Type|giant]]’s stature, [[SRD:Low-Light Vision|low-light vision]]
| fort=+4 | ref=–1 | will=–1
| str=15| dex=9| con=14| int=10| wis=9 | cha=8
| skills=[[SRD:Listen Skill|Listen]] +1, [[SRD:Spot Skill|Spot]] +1
| feats=[[SRD:Weapon Focus|Weapon Focus]] ([[SRD:Greatsword|greatsword]])
| env=Warm desert
| org=Team (2–4), squad (11–20 plus 2 3rd-level sergeants and 1 leader of 3rd–6th level), or band (30–100 plus 150% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 10 adults, 5 5th-level lieutenants, and 3 7th-level captains)
| cr=1
| treas=Standard
| align=Usually [[SRD:Neutral Good|neutral good]]
| adv=By [[SRD:Classes|character class]]
| la=+1
Half-[[SRD:Giant Type|giants]] typically stand from 7 feet to nearly 8 feet tall and weigh from 250 to 400 pounds, with men noticeably taller and heavier than women.

Half-[[SRD:Giant Type|giants]] speak Common. Many also learn [[SRD:Giant Type|Giant]].


Because of their [[SRD:Giant Type|giant]] ancestry, half-[[SRD:Giant Type|giants]] are able to use weapons sized for creatures larger than normal humans. They gain considerable satisfaction in using these large weapons in combat against their foes.

'''[[SRD:Psi-Like Ability|Psi-Like Abilities]]:''' 1/day: ''stomp'' ([[SRD:DC|DC]] 10)''.'' [[SRD:Manifester Level|Manifester level]] equal to 1/2 [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] (minimum 1st). The save [[SRD:DC|DC]] is [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]]-based.

'''Fire Acclimated ([[SRD:Ex|Ex]]):''' Half-[[SRD:Giant Type|giants]] have a +2 racial bonus on [[SRD:Saving Throw|saving throws]] against all fire [[SRD:Creature Spells and Powers#Spells|spells]] and effects.

'''Powerful Build ([[SRD:Ex|Ex]]):''' The physical stature of half-[[SRD:Giant Type|giants]] lets them function in many ways as if they were one [[SRD:Size Category|size category]] larger. Whenever a half-[[SRD:Giant Type|giant]] is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during [[SRD:Grapple|grapple check]]s, [[SRD:Bull Rush|bull rush]] attempts, and [[SRD:Trip|trip]] attempts), the half-[[SRD:Giant Type|giant]] is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A half-[[SRD:Giant Type|giant]] is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as [[SRD:Improved Grab|improved grab]] or [[SRD:Swallow Whole|swallow whole]]) can affect him. A half-[[SRD:Giant Type|giant]] can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of [[SRD:Powers|powers]], abilities, and [[SRD:Creature Spells and Powers#Spells|spells]] that change the subject’s [[SRD:Size Category|size category]].

The half-[[SRD:Giant Type|giant]] [[SRD:Warrior|warrior]] presented here had the following ability scores before racial adjustments: [[SRD:Strength|Str]] 13, [[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]] 11, [[SRD:Constitution|Con]] 12, [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] 10, [[SRD:Wisdom|Wis]] 9, [[SRD:Charisma|Cha]] 8.


Half-[[SRD:Giant Type|giant]] characters possess the following racial traits.
* +2 [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]], +2 [[SRD:Strength|Strength]], –2 [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]].
*Medium size.
*Half-[[SRD:Giant Type|giant]] base land speed is 30 feet.
*[[SRD:Low-Light Vision|Low-light vision]].
*Naturally Psionic: Half-[[SRD:Giant Type|giants]] gain 2 bonus [[SRD:Power Points|power points]] at 1st level, regardless of whether they choose a psionic [[SRD:Class|class]].
*Fire Acclimated: Half-[[SRD:Giant Type|giants]] have a +2 racial bonus on [[SRD:Saving Throw|saving throws]] against all fire [[SRD:Creature Spells and Powers#Spells|spells]] and effects.
*Powerful build (see above).
*Special Attacks (see above): [[SRD:Psionic Subtype|Psi-like abilities]].
*Automatic [[SRD:Speak Language Skill|Language]]: Common. Bonus [[SRD:Speak Language Skill|Language]]: Draconic, [[SRD:Giant Type|Giant]], Gnoll, Ignan.
*Favored [[SRD:Class|Class]]: [[SRD:Psychic Warrior|Psychic warrior]].
*Level adjustment: +1.

{{SRD Creature Footer}}
[[Category:Desert Terrain|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:Giant Type|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:Neutral (Law-Chaos) Alignment|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:Good Alignment|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:Medium Size|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]
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[[Category:Warm Climate|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]
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