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9 bytes added, 19:43, 19 January 2010
Bronze dragon
* '''Maximum Weight:''' 160,000 pounds
* '''Maximum Wingspan:''' 80 feet
* '''Breath weapon:''' repulsion gas, lightning, fog cloud
* '''Habitat:''' Aquatic, Tropical Islands
* '''Diet:''' Aquatic plants, shark meat, pearls
* '''Image:''' [ image]
* '''Stats:''' [ OGL stats]
* '''Notes:'''
Bronze dragons are the third most powerful of the metallic dragons. While most bronze dragons despise [[Sahuagin]], they truly enjoy observing and interacting with smaller creatures, most especially humans. They will often go out of their way to help them, such as rescuing humans from a shipwreck or a dangerous foe. In many of these instances, the bronze dragon will transform itself into a human, so that those who it helps never know who really did the rescuing. They never seek payment for their help, in any form. They always seek justice as best they can, and cannot abide to see any creature being treated with cruelty of any sort. The older the dragon, the more pronounced that this passion for justice becomes. They are probably the most social species of dragon, and often swim and play together in groups. They also love to attend human festivals and parties, although usually in human form.
Given its exceptional abilities as a swimmer, the entrance to a bronze dragon's lair is quite naturally underwater, and often disguised with seaweed and coral. The bulk of the lair is above water level, however, consisting of multiple tunnels and large chambers, some as much as a thousand feet above sea level. They prefer to make their lairs in an island volcano, if possible.
While bronze dragons are often fascinated with battles, especially fighting to defeat evil, they have strong moral compunctions against killing living beings unless absolutely necessary. They will often join good-aligned armies to fight the forces of evil, either in human form or their own. In battle, their weapon of choice is to breathe repulsion gas, which is so putrid that it forces absolutely everything away. They also like to relocate a foe to a remote location where it can do no harm when possible. When forced to kill, the bronze dragon is a deadly combatant, roasting enemies with bursts of lightning or ripping them open with its clawed forelegs.
=====Copper dragon=====
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