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User talk:Surgo

820 bytes added, 17:19, 21 October 2010
d20 NPCs transition
:::That toggle...again, another advantage of having Winter/Lua. Doing anything with parser functions is insanely verbose and hard to modify. Also, the toggle in general may be broken right now. We'll see what's up. [[User:Surgo|Surgo]] 19:49, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
::::It would be relatively easy to add an ask query to the SRD Type pages that listed homebrew monsters and NPCs with that type in addition to the SRD ones. It's just a manual thing that we need to add if we want, and then probably clearly indicate it is not a part of the SRD. You can also sort by type on the monster page though, though that may be insufficiently easy.
::::We can do any new properties we need to and I like the idea of doing a "Race" property that can be used to list them on race pages. "Uses Rulebook" seems somewhat excessive to me though, since I don't see why we'd ever search for it and standard references on a page seem sufficient to point people at stuff that we can't post here due to copyright. Am I missing something there? - [[User:Tarkisflux|Tarkisflux]] 17:19, 21 October 2010 (UTC)

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