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Master of Everything (3.5e Class)

178 bytes added, 19:44, 1 October 2010
uses per day is not actually a complete variable. Clerics and Wizards mean very different things by it
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' The Master of Everything is not proficient with any weapons or armor.
'''{{Anchor|Class Feature Replenishment}}:''' Any Master of Everything class feature that replenishes per day will replenish at a particular time of day, chosen at first level.
'''{{Anchor|Imitate Class}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' As a standard action, the Master of Everything can gain all of the class features of any class (other than Master of Everything) as though he had as many levels in it as he has levels in Master of Everything. Prepared spell slots and other such things are filled instantaneously with legal options of his choice, and all class features of any classes he imitates are immediately ready to use. The Master of Everything may do this four times per day, and it lasts for 10 rounds each time.

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