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Templar (3.5e Class)

1,319 bytes added, 20:38, 30 September 2010
Making a Paladin
|5th||class="left" | +5 || +4 || +4 || +1
| class="left" | [[#Cavalier|Cavalier]]
At 4th level, the paladin may now use his first aid as a [[SRD:Move Actions|move-equivalent]] action, allowing him to use it multiple times per turn if he wishes. At 7th level, he can administer first aid as a [[SRD:Swift Actions|swift action]], and he can use it as an [[SRD:Immediate Actions|immediate action]] at 11th level. If he has already used his swift action for the current turn, he may use it as a move action. If a creature is fully healed by this ability, no temporary hit points are gained.
'''{{Anchor|Inquisitor}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' A paladin continuously detects the alignments of all creatures that he can see. He does not need to expend any effort to determine any particular creature’s alignment, and instantly gains all information about their alignment as if he had spent three rounds concentrating on them. This ability may even penetrate any protection against divination that has a caster level less than the paladin‘s character level.
In addition, all the paladin’s attacks are automatically considered aligned (good or evil, lawful or chaotic, etc. based on his alignment) for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
'''{{Anchor|Divine Grace}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' A second level paladin adds his Charisma bonus to all saving throws. This bonus does not stack with any other effect that adds his Charisma modifier to saving throws.
'''{{Anchor|Knight Errant}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' By 2nd level, the paladin is accustomed to the bulky armor that is so often part of his attire. He no longer suffers penalties to his base speed from wearing medium or heavy armor. '''{{Anchor|Divine Health}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' A 3rd level paladin gains immunity to all [[SRD:Poisons|poisons ]] and [[SRD:Disease|diseases ]] (even those of magical nature).
'''{{Anchor|Smite}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' By the time he reaches 3rd level, the paladin gains the ability to channel his holy power through his weapon, adding his Charisma modifier to all attack and damage rolls if he wishes to do so. A number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier, the paladin may also declare an attack that he just hit with to be a smite attack as a free action, causing it to deal double damage. While this damage stacks with a critical hit and other damage multipliers (increase the damage multiplier by the weapon’s additional multiplier and subtract 1), it is not a critical hit and affects even creatures who are immune to critical hits. The paladin cannot declare a smite attack on an attack of opportunity.
At 9th and 15th level, the damage multiplier for the paladin’s smite attack is increased to x3 and x4, respectively.
'''{{Anchor|Cavalier}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' Starting at 5th level, the paladin gains a mount that can be any creature with a maximum Challenge Rating of his character level minus two. This mount cannot have an alignment more than two steps away from the paladin’s.
==Earthly Vows==

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