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Very Reliable Pinger (3.5e Feat)

631 bytes added, 02:16, 27 September 2010
Feel free to be a Wizard with only 19 Intelligence
|status=Just started

{{3.5e Feat
|name=Very Reliable Pinger
|summary=Your Reliable Pinging abilities have progressed so far, you feel free to dump your ability scores.
|prereqs=[[Reliable Pinger (3.5e Feat)|Reliable Pinger]]
|benefit=Any saving throw you force someone to take has a DC of at least 12 + your ECL.
|normal=With only [[Reliable Pinger (3.5e Feat)|Reliable Pinger]], Save DC's could be as low as 10 + 2/3rds your ECL.

{{3.5e Feats Breadcrumb}}


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