tweaked things a bit in Aarnott's desired direction; Fixed idiotic infinite power loophole
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' The Master of Everything is not proficient with any weapons or armor.
'''{{Anchor|Imitate Class}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' As a full-round standard action, the Master of Everything can gain all of the class features of any class (other than Master of Everything) for 1 round, plus an additional 1 round per class level. Prepared spell slots and other such things are not filled if instantaneously with legal options of his choice, and all class features of any classes he does so, but spontaneous casting works excellentlyimitates are immediately ready to use. The Master of Everything may do this once per day at level 1, and an additional time per day every 3 levels after 1st.
'''{{Anchor|Imitate Alignment}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' As a swift action, the Master of Everything can change his alignment for 1 minute per class level. This does not change his personality. The Master of Everything may do this once per day at level 2, and an additional time per day every 3 levels after 2nd.