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Lament (3.5e Maneuver)

845 bytes added, 03:39, 22 September 2010
Created page with "{{author |author_name=Viatos |date_created=21 September 2010 |status=Complete }} <onlyinclude>{{3.5e Maneuver |name=Lament |discipline=Hollow Nymph |type=Strike |lvl=2 |initiati…"
|date_created=21 September 2010

<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Maneuver
|discipline=Hollow Nymph
|subj=One creature
|dur=Three rounds
|summary=Enemies weep for your sins.
''A quiet moan, that's all it takes - communicating all you've been through, all you've done...''all you're going to do.

The target of this maneuver suffers a -1 morale penalty to all saves for its duration. Each round, she takes 2 cold damage as frozen tears shift and slash inside her eyes. Using this maneuver again on a target currently suffering under it resets the duration of the maneuver. This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

{{3.5e Hollow Nymph Maneuver Breadcrumb}}

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